Following the Example of Muhammad

I finished reading Robert Spencer’s The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion over the weekend, which says a lot since I barely ever read anything anymore. First off, everyone buy and read this book. It’s basically a condensed biography of Mohammed written using only widely regarded Islamic sources. That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the most accurate portrait of Mohammed, but it is how must Muslims perceive him which is what’s important. Mohammed is supposed to be the example all other Muslims are supposed to follow, and with Mohammed you have plenty of beheadings, torture, taking prisoners for ransom, killing people who insulted him, and lots of other lovely things. Sure, that’s just the negative parts of Mohammed’s character, but that’s still the example many Muslims follow today.
This book gave me a window into the mind of a jihadist and where the justifications for his actions come from, which is why I guess I was so glued to it (except when I got some comics in the mail and then when I had the flu). Also, it gave me a great perspective into why many jihadists think they will win and why they think absolutely anything is permissible if it advances the goal of spreading Islam. I highly recommend this book as this subject should concern everyone. Do be ig’nant, people; you have to understand the nature of the problem before you can deal with it.
The book inspired me to research more into Islam (I certainly can’t take everything he gives me at face value without at least seeing the Muslim response), but I’ve found research difficult at times since there seems to be so many different spellings for every name. Still, there is a lot in the book I would like to discuss, so I’ll probably do short discussion topics on this blog in the future (there won’t be homework, but there will be a quiz at the end where, if you fail, you die!).
Next book for me is Mark Steyn’s America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. I’ve always heard lots of people talk about how great Mark Steyn is, but I hadn’t actually read him before. From the intro, he has a very entertaining writing style. And why shouldn’t a book about how radical Muslims are going to take over the world be funny?
I’m starting to like getting free books.


  1. “…with Mohammed you have plenty of beheadings, torture, taking prisoners for ransom, killing people who insulted him, and lots of other lovely things. Sure, that’s just the negative parts of Mohammed’s character, but that’s still the example many Muslims follow today.”

    “That’s just the negative parts of Mohammed’s character”? That’s more than enough to land him on death row if he had done those things today. Just call a spade a spade. You’re starting to sound like a Muslim apologist!

  2. Beo,
    It’s just in all the negative Amazon reviews from Muslims who refused to read the book, they say Spencer left out the good things (not true).
    But, yeah, at times it’s like saying how nobody mentions the time Hitler saved a kitten from a tree.
    Anyway, if you’re going to be the example for people to follow, one bad thing is more than enough.

  3. You should do a podcast about this. I’m not just saying this because I’ve almost finished going through all the old ones to catch up. Well, not really. Btw, when the hell are you doing another podcast? I’m either addicted now or hours of listening to you guys has warped my brain (more than usual).

  4. John –
    Now that you are addicted you can know the truth, FrankJ (fnord) and his crew have perfected the audio version of crack cocaine. It is a subtle harmonic at the lower threshhold (fnord) of the audible range. The long hiatus was punishment for failing to slay enough monkeys (but not spacemonkeys).
    You know you are fully dependant when you can see all six of the fnords in the previous paragraph.

  5. I’d read Mark Steyn’s stuff before, and want to read his book. He’s super smart, and it’s not just his British-ness. He filled in for Rush one day and I was a fan in about five minutes.
    Of course… Michael Bluth was fooled by a Brit sounding smarter than she actually was. But in this case he really, really is. Mark, that is.

  6. I like to read the book America Alone it sounds pretty good. I mean Europe is weak and it is true most European countries prob won’t notice until one of them goes down.
    (hopefuly it will be france first.)

  7. Thanks for the review, Frank! I really appreciate it. It’s nice to have someone I trust review it and all, especially when one says from what perspective the book is coming from. I thought it was about Muhammad using general resources, but as it is about Muhammad using Islamic resources, it will be more useful and valuable.

  8. John –
    If you even have to ask, it is probably too late for you. Just remember to read your IMAO (and sign over your life savings to FrankJ) everday and everything will be just fine.

  9. Both books are great, and from what I have determined, fairly accurate and honest. Another writer to check out is Thomas Sowell, not for his books so much as his articles. His observations of the Left and Right as well as their drives and goals are uncanny and enlightening.

  10. Spencer’s book is good but nothing new, Steyn is brilliant as ever. WE are already in the “next” war, and the first true battleground is Europe. The ar of intimidation there has started, and I think Islam is waiting for another Chamberlain to show up, concede most of Europe to the ragheads and declare “peace in our time”! Then they will behad him. I am afraid Britain, pats of the Commonwealth and the good ole US will be alone again. Although Russia and China will learn the hard way that they are being played. And they are doo doo heads.

  11. Weeeelllllllll,
    If you’re done with the book, send it to me!! I’m between assignment and have automatically gone into my cheap mode. I’ll send it back…I promise. As soon as the borders are sealed….

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