Fun Trivia

What did Mark Foley remark when he found out he got exposed because of a prank some pages played on him?

“I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddlesome, sexy sexy kids!”


  1. The whole Foley affair still isn’t quite as strange and disgusting as Abu Gharib incident yet, but it’s getting there. A guy can get rather bewildered these days. Everybody seems to be getting themselves in trouble with all this really weird assed stuff. I know I don’t get around much any more, but when did good old fashioned heterosexual humping become passé.

  2. That should be.
    “That’s disgusting!!!
    The pages are all stuck together now.”
    Errr!! Damn!!!
    I hate it when I make changes to a sentence and don’t catch the change tenses in some of the words, etc. I always seem to mess it up late at night. Ruins a perfectly good joke every time.

  3. As a candidate running for Governor who is definitely not gay, it is good to see how this scandal is being properly addressed. The only question remains is, where is Gay Day, Universal or Disney?
    cc: Barney Frank

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