Fun Trivia

When would the nutroots be a huge threat to the Republicans?

If the Republicans were trying to throw an election.


  1. Is it just me..or did EVERYONE on that page have 1000+ posts. I guess the hippies really do have nothing better to do then sit around and whine. I mean, really thats a lot of “Bush Blaming”.

  2. //When they actually voted.//
    How about if Dems could actually figure out how to operate a voting machine? According to the last couple of elections, the either have faulty systems or leave hanging chads.

  3. Wait, I don’t think I meant to vote for Bush! Isn’t Carter still President? Who will give me more money? Where am I, who is this Chad they are talking about? That’s it, I meant to vote for that Chad fellow. Oops, I crapped myself again. And I don’t hold my water so good.

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