If the Republicans Are on the Ropes, Why Do These Guys Seem So Desperate?

Apparently, the nutroots are trying to organize an effort to Googlebomb search terms so as to affect the election. Those guys are innovative. I always thought there was nothing more politically useless than an internet petition, but they found it. I mean, really, these guys just might as well spend all their energy doing to the robot dance to fight fascism.
Wait, I know! The nutroots can each consume an entire can of Crisco to show their support for fair elections!
If you have other ideas for useless expenditures of energy to engage in a feeble attempt to affect political fortunes, either put them in the comments or start a diary on the DailyKos.


  1. //An All-Star, off-road cross-country hunger-strike three-legged potato-sack egg relay race//
    This has to be run in the nude on the festival of Samhain to avoid offending the goddess.
    Wait, TK nude. I didn’t need that visual. Forget it.

  2. This reminds me of the liberal who tried to swim from Miami Beach to Grand Bahama Island to protest overfishing. He might have made it too…if he hadn’t been wearing his lucky prok-chop…

  3. It’s already working. Google Bush- you get crotch shots of Nancey Pelosi…..drunken sailor- TK…..road kill-Nancey, again…..pics of the purple dinosaur Barney- you get pics of Barney Franks in his birthday suit…..

  4. Lets give them a seminar on BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) scheduled for election day and located in the Virgin Islands. Let them spend their money to get there, and miss the election at the same time.

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