IMAO Election ’06 Ad

Using advance technology capable of recording both and light and sound waves, I’ve made my own ad for the Republicans (with the help of SarahK!) and then edited it together using advanced and seamless editing techniques.
Watch the video and marvel at the technological advancements of IMAO:

Share with everyone! It is important video that could save the Republicans and America and the world.


  1. So now I know why the Trackbacks don’t work. The Republican party clandestinely disabled them. It’s the unofficial no linkage to IMAO policy. That way no one admits they read this stuff.

  2. Is that a Jacaru hat? I have one of those! They’re cool. They’d be even cooler if they’d let me kill the kanagaroo to get the skin.
    You don’t sound as if you grew up in New Jersey.

  3. Is that a Jacaru hat? I have one of those! They’re cool. They’d be even cooler if they’d let me kill the kanagaroo to get the skin.
    You don’t sound as if you grew up in New Jersey.

    It’s some hat made in Australia I got at a county fair in Jersey.
    I spent nine years in Jersey (age 9 to 18), but didn’t pick up any speaking habits.

  4. I liked it (so did my kids). We are doing school right now so that was their political science segment. Thanks.
    I’ve always told them only retards vote democrat but it always helps when they hear it from someone else.

  5. That’s a great ad, but I’m worried that it might be racist…you should put it on youtube so that the Daily-Kosites can see it to hear if there are any dogwhistles in it.
    Also, many props for that very fine hat. It’s shiny. If a man were to walk down the street in a hat like there, everyone would say “there goes a man who ain’t afraid of anything.”

  6. Guard dogs and kittens? You obviously aren’t acquainted with some of the cats I’ve had. One in particular would rip you limb from limb just for looking at her. Burglars would have been safer with my dogs.

  7. Frank – great job, didn’t look gay at all.
    SarahK – you think the hat is sexy? That’s true love. Frank’s a lucky man.
    Seriously, good work. The sound is great for all but the beginning, but that seems intentional.

  8. Well I would say that you are a handsome man FrankJ (sans the ridiculous hat), but you wife SarahK is heavily armed and trigger-happy so…meh. Of course she’s quite a sight herself even without the guns.
    So, half the GOP is gay? Damn, I’m not going to the right parties!

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