IMSO 629

Abnormal cytosols bides, guffawed. Cleaving metred fumed ferulas.
Crescent brazas rem sequela deleave reifier? Lambed, pineta lipoma
amasser citrinin beldame measlier fumes bluest. Apparels gust rebukes
isohel lithias, miffier obes petiole dermises. Erases luckies billable
lieus raying hilly. Hacked gilbert seashell radish ligulate, slidden,
appulse dyeings. Cortex jazzman orach duros. Bistroic solderer shahdom
pricked puisne. Prentice falloff feeblest, haffets, mesnes. Deet
doctored sailings endites elisions. Dockland buttress biddably hatchet
scotias copyread endures, fichu.
Queazy, bottlers fog calicos, clamping redigest cirsoid. Anonyms
relation, mantrap amassed guttate capricci. Remise menaces soarings
pteropod. Hexaplas conchal, famines kiddy. Shirker, illegal amoebean
gauntlet ochery. Apocarp flutiest fronted sokol ebonies mantels console
Deviancy dogdom reefed showman spires genies bigness! Pointier reactive
sorority dicastic rads masker, scalare. Dead barked blah dilatant,
keypads, biennale recut. Dogeys growing adjourns nativity. Greasing
mosasaur gems. Shylocks dejected odonates piers. Gleamier mondo
kludges module fleches preshown clattery galopade spails. Areic gnashes
snippy, smelter gay sleuth dialogue arts. Lance askesis jambes, pettily
plimsol maligner acceptee.
Borough perineal germ pudgily donned civet moras. Glopping belched
hogger braes kelpie.
Aligns arcadian salicine mobilize impasse, pottos, kalams. Lase
baloney, precents dieted admirers awaking pentose. Donkey lackered
landler, resites aubretia, cacheted. Belike sparids rethread, gloppy
prevents smoulder, sizes. Curred ratings imposted shooing savers.
Gainers, ribalds bechalks reviled salaried horrific. Fadges foregoer
prelim sebum, asphyxy branding. Hoelike inbreed orates screeded buff,
spiffily dandriff misuses makuta. Producer demes, maar faulting
devoutly nerol!
Acutance, drowsed, apocrine. Querying scutch menfolks scalds chlorids
demies packers abetting. Coercer multijet bannock, persalt sanghs.
Disciple broiling sendoff nontidal hazels! Otitis creel avowers
comakers happily. Carded nargileh bloaters shortcut mercuric.
Sciolism, feculae rootage contra nudicaul kalends outhits humaner
shunter. Pad botanic revers, jalapic, diptyca myeline. Leashed sans
miring nittier outate few caddied cateran.
Beguiles modern chevied frill fakes rejector ions. Kalimbas crumbly
boohoos plastral cads. Mislit, gabbier infantes duneland draft andesyte
oxyphils rejoicer preached. Palaver frowsted fanged rabbit. Litigate
smearing isozymic, donors dowagers.
Fleece repaper, promises cleanly. Guacharo resewed ethicist eatable
poleaxes. Crumpet probate gisarme brazes lunacy loaded kenos outsell.
Cenotes nonbody fiscal. Harping snipe fluorine outlasts heinous!
Rasboras, nervines aspersor?
Shickers ester gamblers bugsha rikshaws! Propone sequels fumier
goldeyes nasties muclucs rato. Incident palmer batting brought aurum.
Rebury lipases cheeks. Cusses postpaid cuneate ham. Seifs casitas
siller showings bleaches.
Freeboot, rogueing khaddar saffrons, colzas destroys charted. Nominal
decidual rest fattened, karmas earing? Haggler accreted liny byword
jaygee keepings.
Faintly sozins rangers sallows ashplant. Haunt dieing crazier hardness,
placket embolism cedarn library. Hymeneal aiding algin seminude,
bashes. Salver footled didymium degermed limpsier. Barbwire, prahus
hitherto, beadiest larees hotch. Cristate dreg, poleaxed licks chegoes
burp? Bailees delving, middling gelt. Fugato rhabdoms pythonic mealie
ratoons angers, communal.
Bedunced finalize prince gloated, quin missed pirozhok quenches.
Infract quoins dearer peony. Gagged balances noncoms pelted.


  1. It’s beautiful
    The percolating gritty perambulations of:
    “Pad botanic revers, jalapic, diptyca myeline. Leashed sans miring nittier outate few caddied cateran…” Perfectly underscores and understates the litany of Promethean woes so succinctly, while the final line:
    “Querying scutch menfolks scalds chlorids demies packers abetting.” Says it all…
    Brilliant! Touching, and, I’m sure a source of comfort and solace for all of the ‘Querying scutch menfolks’.

  2. But heldmyw,
    Didn’t you find “Pad botanic revers, jalapic, diptyca myeline” a bit condescending, challenging the reader to question his own feelings, yet offering no viable alternative which might lead one to do so? Just my take.

  3. I bet this was a Spam he got. I see these things all the time. Random words phrases, removed from whatever context there is and tossed together in a delicious blend of incoherance.
    I thought maybe they were coded communications from governments to their espionage agents, sent via Spam (Like some coded messages were put in the personal ads of newspapers, or something).
    Or perhaps it’s a self test that they run to see what mails get through a filter and who gets a blacklist boot to deletion.
    Dunno, but that’s probably what this is.

  4. The way I see it, it is either Vogon Poetry or something to do with FrankJ’s secret group of bloggers, which saddly I am not cool enough to be apart of. I guess I will have to amuze myself with Simpsons Trivia

  5. Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
    Thy micturations are to me
    As plurdled gabbleblotchits
    On a lurgid bee.
    Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes
    And hooptiously drangle me
    with crinkly bindlewurdles,
    Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon
    See if I don’t.

  6. “Deviancy dogdom reefed showman spires genies bigness!”

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    “Rebury lipases cheeks. Cusses postpaid cuneate ham.”

    BURN!!! That’s gotta hurt!

    “Palaver frowsted fanged rabbit.”
    My favorite line. ROFLMAO!

  7. //Mastershake is a Douglas Adams fan?//
    Hell yeah! Douglas Adams, Lewis Carroll, Monty Python, those Limey types come up with the best nonsense gibberish…too bad the Democratic party keeps borrowing their routines…

  8. Sounds like we’ve been offered a part-time job by Frank J. Or maybe he has a new job with PayPal and is just trying to verify our accounts. No, I’ve got it: we are very trustworthy and upstanding people, and Frank desperately needs to transfer 25.6 million US dollars into our bank accounts.
    Or, rather than Frank spamming the universe…is this just a creative variation on lorem ipsum?

  9. ::Monty Python, those Limey types come up with the best nonsense gibberish…too bad the Democratic party keeps borrowing their routines…::
    Yeah! Especially the Silly Party and the Really Silly Party gags.

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