In the Mail

I just got a copy of Robet Spencer’s new book The Truth About Muhammad. While I am interested in finding good stories about Muslims, I can’t ignore the possibility that Islam itself is a problem. If the fundamentals of Islam are good, as many assert, then Muslims can be won over by appealing to their religion. If not, we have to focus on appealing to their humanity.
BTW, Robert Spencer is on Hot Air today with his Jihad Watch.
Also, I’ve found Muslihoon to be a great blog for getting an inside look at Islam. Anyone know of some good blogs out there written by someone who is currently Muslim?


  1. In the past I’ve enjoyed Sandmonkey’s blog. She’s an egyptian blogger with a pretty good sense of humor…I mean, she calls herself “Sandmonkey” for crying out loud. Sorry, no clicky-link…I’m still learning how to do superscripts on my IBM Selectric…

  2. From the “mission statement” of their site: Faith Freedom International is a grassroots movement of ex-Muslims. Its goal it to unmask Islam and show that it is an imperialistic ideology akin to Nazism disguised as religion and to help Muslims leave it, end this culture of hate caused by their “us” vs. “them” ethos and embrace the human race in amity. We strive for the unity of Mankind through the elimination of the most insidious doctrine of hate.

  3. If we were good Christians and Jews, there’d be a lot more prostitute stoning and the streets would run with the cast out eyes of men horrified to have succumbed to a sinful stare. Instead, we find ways to squeeze our internet and x-boxes into the same moral universe as the Bible whose most recent parts were dictated 2 millenia ago. Is this hypocrisy or prudence? Either way, it’s better than blowing up skyscrapers. If we can just get enough blue jeans and I-Pods (pre-loaded with Britney to shatter any clarity of mind they have) to the Muslim youth, they’ll soon be stabbing each other to death over who’s got the better Nikes and we’ll be able to resume our normal way of life. After we’re done killing the terrorists, of course.

  4. I’m a little appalled at this whole “kill all the terrorists” thing. That sounds mean. Why not just kill MOST of the terrorists? Then we can keep a few around as museum pieces, like we do with Cuba and Ted Kennedy.

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