John Kerry: “Support the Morons Protecting Our Country!”

Kerry, perhaps using himself as an example, called our troops idiots:

You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.

Now, I thought perhaps this was an inept way of calling Bush dumb, saying that because Bush ain’t smart, he metaphorically got stuck in Iraq. I seem to be in the minority, though, and, after seeing Kerry’s non-apology, I’ll give up that theory.
Michelle Malkin is running with this to try and get MSM coverage of this insult (and, maybe, an actual apology), but first we should ask ourselves “Is our troops dumb?”
Well, I’ll just speak from experience from the troops I know. My mean old man is not only mean, but also kinda dull. Just like that other moron Kerry (who got even worse grades than Bush at Yale), he got sent to Vietnam. My dad was so dumb, he ended being stuck there much longer than Kerry since the only serious injury he got was from playing basketball (which they refused to give him a purple heart for).
Then there’s my brother, Sgt. Joe foo’ the Marine, who is a foo’. He tried to work at computers but was only good at smashing them so he joined the Marines. He got stuck in Iraq just like Kerry said would happen to dumb people. Now he’s joined OCS which will only guarantee him going back to Iraq. If he were smarter, he would have known not to try to become an officer so he could stay out of Iraq.
I also had a roommate at Carnegie Mellon University who is in the Navy. I remember one time after playing a shooting game at the arcade, I tried to explain him how that game used polygons versus other games that used sprites. It was like trying to explain nuclear physics to a dog. I just gave up. Not too bright a guy.
I’m not in the military, but I’m smart. I live in Florida and barely ever get shot at. If I do get shot, Horatio Caine is nearby and will be able to find out who did it.
So, apparently our troops are dumb. Many even read IMAO, and you don’t want to see the average IQ for this place. Thus, I think it’s silly to get angry at Kerry’s remarks. Instead, we should trick Kerry into getting stuck in Iraq. It shouldn’t be too hard; he’s not very smart.


  1. Although I have not used that “nomme de guerre” in a couple of years, I used to use the screen name 2of4 (the second of four generations of military men) with seven of the eight generations before my father.
    The family has a long cherished belief that we fight, in the hope that the next generation will not have to. This has always been our goal.
    Words like Duty, honor, and belief in goals greater than ourselves is something John Kerry has no concept of. Over the years, he has consistently lied about the military, and his hatred of it.
    I know things about him, that I cannot say, but he is a repugnant slug.
    He was chronically unable to follow orders, since he was certain that he knew better than anyone else.
    He has lied about his military service, both to his superiors, and in his book.
    He was the biggest weenie and whiner, and no one wanted to be around him, except for those he “bought”.

  2. I’m reminded of the clip from the movie “A few good men”:
    “We use words like honor, code, loyalty…we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use ’em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I’d rather you just said thank you and went on your way”
    A “Thank You” that I’m sure wont be forthcoming from the likes of Kerry

  3. Until the middle of 2005, I had the honor of having as a neighbor a captain in the air force. As it happens, he was in the Pentagon when it was hit by the plane on September 11, 2001. He didn’t think that that was anything special; it was just part of his job, and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time (although he wasn’t injured). I continue to be simply amazed by his devotion to duty, by the sheer straightforward class the characterized his every action, and by the fact that he didn’t ask for any thanks for any of it. I made a point of bringing him a six-pack of good beer every Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans’ Day. I knew that I could never repay him for what he and hundreds of thousands of others do for me every day; I just wanted him to know that I appreciate it. I think of him every time I read something like this. John Kerry isn’t fit to lick Tim’s boots.

  4. I absolutely loathe that arrogant sonofabitch. Loathe him. As much as the Clintons and Kennedy, et al bug me, none come close to the level of rage I feel every time I see that ludicrous orangey-tan Lurch mug on TV. He is an abomination! He needs to un-ass himself from this planet right the hell now!
    Of course the massive backlash has left him and his handlers backpeddling like the Frenchmen they are.

  5. My dad must not be too smart either. After getting his draft notice he enlisted in the Air Force. Being the not so bright guy he is, he signed up for Pararescue (the military special ops with the highest dropout rate during training).
    After successful graduation (almost 2 years later, yes it took that long and I believe it’s longer now), he was shipped off to ‘Nam. There he went on many CSAR (combat search and rescue) operations. Most of these were pulling downed pilots out of the jungle. Did I mention they were taking heavy fire on just about all these missions? I’ve seen the pictures of the helo’s coming back with holes in them.
    He must not be very bright because about 8 months into his first (and only) tour he was hit with anti-aircraft fire while on a mission. Yup, he was dumb enough to get shot by a .50 caliber.
    That didn’t even scare him straight as he finished a 20+ year career in Pararescue after many surgeries and rehab.
    Guess if those military guys were smarter they would know not to get shot.
    Kerry needs to do us all a favor and pull his lip over his head and swallow.

  6. As much as I get frustrated with the liberal politics of Minnesota, at least I don’t live in a state that would send a dick head like this to the United States Senate!
    I haven’t been very fired up about the election and didn’t look forward to voting for Republicans…that has now changed! Contempt for our military cannot be tolerated and these people can’t be trusted with power!

  7. What do you guys do, pay John Kerry to look like a complete ASS right around election time?
    This could not have come at a better time. I mean if you thought the YEEHAW that the Psycho Dean shot up during his dem nomination was bad, well this is got to be twice as good.
    I just once a aider and abeter of the enemy always and aider and abeter. Kerry just could not help him self, he has to betray his country and give the enemy support. He HAS to somehow.
    Oh well still waiting for real Democrats to stand up here in America.

  8. Ugh. Me no undastand dis thread. Me not smart like kollij peeple. Ugh.
    Me not been to Eye-Rack. Me must not bee smart enuf. Ugh.
    bashes computer with club
    F’n Kerry, man. Tomorrow I’m gonna remind everybody in my unit that this genius was one freakin’ state away from being our Commander-in-Chief. Yikes.
    goes back to working all night organizing a couple hundred thousand dollars’ worth of radios
    Me wish me wuz smarter like kollij peeple.

  9. If only we could get Ted Kennedy to give John Kerry a ride home from the next Democratic Fundraiser.
    That would take care of a host of problems.
    (That wasn’t offensive, was it. I would hate to hurt anyone’s feelings. Wait a minute, Kerry has no feelings, insensitivity is his mantra)
    He should be deported. I hear France is looking for a minister of dimmitude. I would even encourage the government to pay his moving expenses.

  10. John F’n Kerry is indeed an abomination. And an idiot. And ugly. Don’t forget how f’n ugly he is. Our soldiers shouldn’t even have to defend his sorry ass. Can’t we take him and Jimmy Carter out somewhere and throw them overboard? For the good of the masses?

  11. You guys continue to further our cause, by being so divided (Suprise!!) as a party, as to which stance to take. Was it a completely hilarious joke, or was it a true statement. Our troops hear people like you voting for true statement, and really feel good about risking their lives voluntarily to save your sorry one.
    BTW your IQ has been revealed along with your grammar skills. If you people knew how, you might use actual facts. The Heritage Foundation did an in depth study that proved a majority of our military have graduated, or are currently attending college (when they return). Our troops have higher educations and higher incomes on the average than the average American. They volunteered for YOU! At least show some respect.

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