Just Because You’re Twitching, That Doesn’t Give You a Right to Lie and Distort the Facts

I finally saw that Michael J. Fox ad, and it was quite disturbing.
Is Missouri really pronounced that way?
Anyway, if you can’t even mention embryonic stem cell research, then you must not believe in it that much.


  1. The bill that Fox is promoting is essentially a Pro-Cloning bill and is disguised as a stem-cell research effort. Celebs (even ones with Parkinsons) should shut-up and stay the hell out of local politics! I’m NOT from Missouri, by the way…too close to the area of the country celebrated for the buggering of Ned Beatty…

  2. Missouri is pronounced MissourA by the older locals. And the bill is not a pro-cloning bill it actually bans cloning but allows all types of of stem cell research (including embryonic) and prohibits local governments from complaining about it, at least to my understanding.

  3. I amend that last statement, it just bans human cloning. Its a crazy bill/amendment with a million subjects thrown in. if you want to see you can probably find at the missouri state webpage.

  4. MJF will soon be twitching for Democrats all across the country…even ones who don’t support embryonic (murdered baby) stem cell research (as he will be doing in the Maryland Senatorial race). He can use his affliction any way he sees fit…it’s his body. I just want this Canadian to stop presenting himself as an American just because he happens to have a house in Vermont likes our tax laws better than those of his native soil.

  5. Here are the Rules for Missouri.
    People from St. Louis and educated people from Kansas City and columbia call it Missouri (as in “e”)
    The rest of the State pronounces it Missourah.
    Politicians from everywhere Pronunce it Missourah, because The Missouree people don’t freak out if you pronounce it wrong, but the Missourah people do.

  6. Personally, I think people most closely associated with a situation (MJF and stem-cells, John McCain and POWs) should recuse themselves from voicing an opinion, just as a judge is expected to recuse himself when the issue is too close to home.
    MJF has blinders on. I feel for his situation, but he is so desperate for a cure he will say or do anything. (With all due respect, this applies to that most regal and glamourous of all former First Ladies, Nancy Reagan, too)

  7. I don’t care about Canada, and I certainly don’t care what Canadians think about America. “Becoming” an American citizen so that you can meddle in our politics doesn’t carry much water either.

  8. Everybody I speak with (lifelong Missouri resident) pronounces it “Missouree” and I grew up N of KC and am going to school in Rolla (pop 16000). Also, the amendment doen’t ban cloning, it merely redefines it. Oh, and Claire McCaskill is a bitch, and MJF needs to shut the hell up and campaign where he can pronouce the state. Talent grabbed some celebs for his spot (Kurt Warner, Mike Sweeny (Royals 1B) & Jim Caveizal). It was on last night during the WS.

  9. Being a Missouree lifer, I can state that BOTH ways are proper for the pronunciation of the state name. You hear Missourah more in the southern half of the state. I happen to pronounce it both ways depending on who I’m talking to. “Missourah” tends to disarm people because they think they are talking to a bumpkin of some sort.
    As for the details of his claim, go to Stem Cell Initiative for the facts.
    This bill is not “Pro-Cloning”, but it does add some “Pro-Abortion” fuel for agruments to follow. The biggest thing that this bill does is to allow government funding for non-proven cell lines. Up to this time, only proven lines have had funding available.
    MJF is a big fat doo doo head. Jim Tallent isn’t against stem cell research, he’s against Clair McCaskill. He’s not fond of throwing our hard earned money at things that have a VERY slim chance of success.
    If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m voting NO.

  10. All I know about Missouri is that my brother went to basic at fort “lost in the wood”, folks there made my brother’s “irish coffee” with rum. I don’t need to know how to say a place like that. Random note, it wasn’t cool for Rush to say MJF was faking/ overacting the shaking. we crippled folks wouldn’t do that. bid all of you peace love and understanding.
    all the best,
    martin “ceann rua” corbett

  11. Random note, it wasn’t cool for Rush to say MJF was faking/ overacting the shaking. we crippled folks wouldn’t do that.
    No, that would be wrong. From Michael J. Fox’s book:

    I had made a deliberate choice to appear before the subcommittee without medication. It seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease, and the urgency we as a community were feeling, be seen as well as heard. For people who had never observed me in this kind of shape, the transformation must have been startling.

  12. DSkinner, I stand…um..kind of..corrected. I fall on my crutch..er..sword I was wrong. MJF in your quote doesn’t say he was faking/ overacting it, he says he was showing the effects of his illness, But your point is made DSkinner because what MJF does is worse in my opinion. He seems like he’s saying “look how crippled I am.” for effect.
    That is worse. Makes me ashamed to call myself a cripple.
    bid you and yours peace love and understanding
    ceann rua

  13. How fortunate I am that Frank J chose to comment on this issue. I’ve been racking my brains all day to think of what the appropriate punishment should be for anyone who proposes a 2,000 word amendment to anything that calls itself a Constitution.
    The best I could come up with was that such person should be chained to Valerie Giscard d’Estaing while he revises his proposed “Constitution” for the European Union. But I’m not sure d’Estaing himself is adequately chained down, and that could be a problem. Oh, great Frank J, what should happen to that miscreant?

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