Let He Who Hasn’t Taken Money from Porn Movie Producers Cast the First Stone

This has to be the best political ad I’ve seen this season:

It’s so good, Democrats are claiming it’s racist.
Incidentally, I had seen Ford on TV quite a bit and had no idea he was black until I one day read it in a news story back when he was positioning himself for Minority Leader. Before, I just thought he was Italian.
I can’t believe how many people I’m seeing saying this ad is going to exploit people’s fear of a black man dating white women. Is that a fear in Tennessee? I am just naive not to see that?


  1. golly Frank, i wish us republicans could find some black candidates who aren’t Uncle Tom’s or house slaves to be running for office. I guess we just get stuck with those evil types like condi, JC Watts, Steele etc while the dems score with Geroge Jefferson D – Money in my Freezer, Alcee Hastings, Charlie Rangel, etc.

  2. From the Liberal’s Dictionary:
    1) Any conservitive that has just won a logical argument with a liberal.
    2) Any white hederosexual male who has not caved in to the feminist doctrine.

  3. Canada can take care of North Korea

    Canadian military: very good, but only 75,000 strong. Massively underfunded. And busy in Afghanistan. Oh, and the tank is busy picking up some Molsons.
    North Korean military: unknown quality, but 1 million strong and over 5,000 tanks. No Molsons.
    Yes, I guess it is a bit racist to suggest the Norks would lose to the Canadians.
    Shame on the RNC.

  4. This ad breaks the Liberal cardinal rule:
    It’s only okay to make fun of someone if they’re a white male conservative. It’s encouraged to ruin the life of any white male conservative because, dammit, they deserve it. But to make fun of ANYONE else is just plain mean and distasteful.

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