Nobel Appeasement Prize

In less than 24 hours, 5 Norwegians will announce the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Just remember who won last year:

2005 : The prize was divided equally between: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, Egypt, 1942 –
For their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way.

Nice going there in Pyongyang, jackass. It’s going to be hard to top the irony this year, but…
Who do you think can top last year’s appeasement-and-surrendermonger?


  1. Just depends how much their BDS overcomes their senses. If they really wanted to prove how retarded they are there are some options available.
    Mr. Poofy Hair himself. For sticking it to the US!
    So Damned Insane. For speaking Truth to Power.
    The Dishonorable Mr. Murtha, for his valiant attempts to reign in the Great Satan’s attempts to crush the oppressed insurgents in Iraq.
    Little Mr. I Am A Nutjob in Iran, for trying to bring the blessings of atomic energy to his poor energy starved nation.
    Hugo Chavez, for his bravery in sticking up for the oppressed, for donating his oil to the poor, for being a Hero of the Revolution!
    Fidel Castro, might be the last chance to give him a major award before he shuffles off his mortal coil and goes to Hell.

  2. My choice would be the “missile damaged” ambulance in the Lebanon attacks this year. It took a lot abuse for the wrong reasons and it would send a message to the world about “Targeting innocent populations.”

  3. My vote for most ironic choice would have to be Jacques Chirac. After all, he’s doing such a great job keeping the peace in his own country that he keeps recommending his methods to the rest of the world.

  4. I can’t imagine that any American could win, so I’ll have to go with Al Gore instead…for his work in convincing people that the world is doomed, and for putting down the US in general.

  5. Vladimir Putin! He ended the war in Chechnya (you don’t hear anything about it, do you?) and he kept Ukraine in line by cutting off fuel supplies, rather than sending in troops, like the old days. The guys in Oslo have got to be impressed by the “blackmail, not bullets” strategy.

  6. My vote: Madlyn “Let’s just be friends” Albright who agreed to provide nuclear reactors to the NK’s. Now there’s a gift that keeps on givin’…
    I agree that maybe Chirac could be considered also…but he’s French (spit!)

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