Not that he’s asking me, but…

Not that he’s asking me, but FrankJ could use these quotes for the back of the jacket cover of his book if he ever gets around to finishing it…

  • “Frank is not anti-Semitic at all. When he’s arrested for driving drunk, he’s usually too busy kvetching about Mexicans and gays, passing out long before he gets all worked up over the Jews.”
    -Your Friend, Laurence Simon (NOW GO TO BED!)
  • “This is the second edition of Frank’s book. Some things have changed since the first edition. But you probably don’t remember them. And we made you quack like a duck, too.”
    -Mysterio the Magnificent
  • “I was given a copy of FrankJ’s book to review and I put it in my jacket pocket. I was going to read it, but my crazy wife pulled out a gun and shot me in the chest. If only he’d have given me a hardback instead of a paperback proof, I’d be alive today.”
    -Phil Hartman
  • “Am I getting paid for this?”
  • “Why does your wife keep telling you to stop talking about me?”
    -Michelle Malkin
  • “We lied about soldiers and prison guards throwing this book in a toilet.”

However, I’m sure that he’s got quotes from a whole bunch of big and famous people. Some of them legitimately, too, and not just screamed responses after he leapt out from an alleyway going “OOGIE BOOGIE!” dressed like a clown or something. (I tried that, and I still wound up leaving the back cover to my own book blank.)
If you could contribute a thoughtful, insightful, and meaningful quote to the back jacket cover of Frank’s book without actually having read the thing, what would it be?


  1. “Frank J. inspired me to create my own blog. And it sucked. But his is still funny, so read it!”
    “The hilarity of the IMAO podcasts increases tenfold when you listen to them while walking around on a liberal college campus. For all of those moments when people stare, wondering if my snickering face means I know something they don’t, I am forever indebted to Frank J.”

  2. If you only buy one book this year, FrankJ’s epic should be the one! (Particulary if your copy came with $50 dollar bills between the pages like mine did.) – Stephen King
    I laughed, I cried, I peed my pants! -Sen Ted Kennedy
    FrankJ’s book will be the first book on the bonfire at our next ceremonial free speech event – L. Ron Hubbard’s Ghost

  3. My kid learns more about the Government from Frankj than she learns from public schools — shimauma, mother of Moonbunny
    …referring to the fact that she got extra credit last year for knowing Tony Snow was the new press secretary.

  4. Funny. Thought provoking. If you don’t understand the growing monkey-menace after reading this book, you never will. -Isaac Asimov
    Frank J wrote a book. I think this is it…but don’t quote me on that. – Gunga

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