Now these are going to be some seriously crappy bedtime stories…

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens is writing a series of childrens books

The books, written with co-author Courtney Parker, are being published by Dallas-based publisher Ben Bella.
The first one, Little T Learns to Share, will be on shelves Nov. 15.
“It teaches life lessons on discipline,” Parker said. “The irony is him being one of the most controversial players and the public perception of him lacking discipline.”

Suggested titles:

  • The Little Engine That Could, But Not For Less Than 15 Mil A Year And Get Rid Of That Deadweight Donovan The Caboose In The Back
  • Lemony Screwit (A Series Of Unfortunate Incompetions)
  • Goodnight Painkillers (“Goodnight Painkillers. Goodnight Sleeping Pills. Wait. Which of you is which?”)
  • Green Uniforms And Damn
  • The Star-Bellied Fans

This is only a partial list. If you hear of more, feel free to share them in the comments.


  1. Terrell Owens and the Philosophers Touchback
    Who’s Afraid of Terrel Owens.
    The Owens Code
    The Owensbury Tales
    I could go on but why? The only real story here is “The Ego that Ate Texas”. Why does this man still make the news? He’s a buffoon and not a particularly entertaining one at that.

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