Poll Dancing

Another Straw Poll! Yay!

Results for IMAO readers here.
Once again, I will punch anyone in their dumb monkey face who votes for Hagel.


  1. What is it with the RUN OFF for Guliani and Romni????
    Newt was the speaker of the House for crying out loud…he was an (or the) author of the contract with America. Note his standing in the poll…lets not do the 800 pound gorilla thing with Newt.

  2. Romni as president… I rather live in canada.
    Not that I actualy will, I mean somebody has to resist against the black hole his presidency would create in the heart of American democracy.
    Still praying for Guiliani 2008.

  3. Praying for Guiliani in 2008? Praying for what for Guiliani? A ulcer or something to keep him off the campaign trail?
    Rudy is a lefty RINO, in spite of his good performance on 9/11, he’s from NEW YORK for crying out loud.
    Now, I voted for Rudy for Mayor when he was up for re-election in 1997. He was a good mayor, as good as any conservative can hope for NYC. He got rid of the squeegie guys and the porn theaters “Miracle on 69th Street” and “Santa Claus is Coming” being two popular Christmas films. That said, I would never vote for him for national office. BAD BAD BAD Choice! It would be like appointing David Souter to the Supreme Court all over again.

  4. Could somebody please explain why Romneycare should be considered less bad than Hillarycare? That scares me almost as much as the war and the border. I do not want a socialist running this country, no matter which letter he has after his name.

  5. My mother once pointed out to me that, regardless of whether a candidate is Democrat or Republican, the most important thing is that he/she is CONSERVATIVE. We want conservative judges!
    Nebraska’s senate race is getting interesting. We have Republican Pete Ricketts (whose father owns Ameritrade) against incumbent Ben Nelson (who’s really a DINO). Unfortunately for Ricketts, he’s got CHUCK HAGEL doing campaign ads for him. EWWWWW

  6. Having to choose between Giulianni and Romney is a choice only Democrats should have to make. And next time, besides Insane McCain, we need at least one red stater.
    If the GOP had anything to do with this poll it would be evidence that they intend to further abandon their base. And since the GOP base has a quarter billion firearms between them, I wouldn’t recommend it.

  7. None of these guys could beat Hillary and her slick PR campaign. I’m sad to say it, but it’s true. She’s more popular every day.
    We NEED to draft Condi, and that can only happen if we quit piffling around with guys who can’t possibly win. Condi is the way to go.

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