Puppies Love Hugs!

I have the sweetest puppy:

She’s getting along better with the cats, too.
If Glenn Reynolds is reading this, I mean “sweet” as in my dog is very loving and affectionate. It was not commentary on how she tastes.


  1. Tommy’s pet policy:
    If the cat doesn’t get along with the dog, the dog goes.
    If the dog doesn’t get along with the cat, the dog goes.
    Dogs sleep outside, cats on the bed, birds in the oven.

  2. Spacemonkey is on to something…it looks like he cropped something or someone out of the picture and inserted a dog. Hmmmmm………
    OK…forget that I used the word “inserted”…please…

  3. Ya’ll shouldn’t make fun of the retarded kid, it’s not his fault.
    Posted by: new reader on October 25, 2006 03:18 PM

    This from a guy who doesn’t know how to form contractions. It’s y’all (you all) not ya’ll.

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