The Religion of Perverts?

Allahpundit has been posting some interesting statements from Muslim leaders. This one comes from the senior-most Islamic cleric in Australia complaining about 65 year sentences for rapists:

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it – whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?
“The uncovered meat is the problem.”
The sheik then said: “If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.”

Question: If this freak is sent to prison and raped, would it be his fault for not wearing a hijab?
Speaking of gay sex, here’s a gem AP found from a Muslim imam in the UK:

Arshad Misbahi of the Manchester Central Mosque confirmed his views in a conversation to John Casson, a local psychotherapist.
Casson said: “I asked him if the execution of gay Muslims in Iran and Iraq was an acceptable punishment in Sharia law, or the result of culture, not religion.
“He told me that in a true Islamic state, such punishments were part of Islam: If the person had had a trial, at which four witnesses testified that they had seen the actual homosexual acts.”
“I asked him what would be the British Muslim view? He repeated that in an Islamic state these punishments were justified. They might result in the deaths of thousands but if this deterred millions from having sex, and spreading disease, then it was worthwhile to protect the wider community.”

Question: According to the Koran, you need four male witnesses of the homosexual act to convict a man for it. So, what do you call four guys standing around watching a homosexual act?
I don’t think it’s “straight”.
The Australian sheik has apologized for comparing women to meat. He was just trying “to protect women’s honor”, because you know how much these types of Muslims respect women.


  1. I never thought much of Islam until I read that A.) Women that raped are actually asking for it and B.) Homos should be stoned to death. How can it get any better than this? Wonder where the feminazis are over this one–crickets chirping–

  2. USS Jimmy,
    I (in my humble little blog) asked the same question. Where are the gals from NAG (national association of gals)? They have verbally abused and endeavored to emasculated generations of men, why aren’t they screaming for this Nimrods head on a silver platter.
    Another quote from the Sheik, “If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred.”
    I have a suggestion I think might be as appropriate.
    Maybe we should round up all Muslim men put
    them in chains, dress them in burkas and keep them prisoner in one room until they either go insane or figure out the importance of freedom. I know it sounds radical but it could be a option.

  3. seanmahair…I have a suggestion. For years and years and years we have been nagged by Smeal, Stienem, Clinton etc. Why not round up the group of hags, shrews and lesbians and send them to an Islamic country to spend some time “showing the light” to the Imams and great unwashed masses… Hey if a couple of them get de-headed in the process…well…

  4. He was just trying “to protect women’s honor”, because you know how much these types of Muslims respect women.
    Actually, he relized he might have a chance to fill the spot for the next U.N Ambssitor.

  5. Barney Frank (in deep, ominous voice sent through an air regulator) “Frank, I am your father”! FrankJ (wailing like a teenage girl) “Nooooooooooooooo”!!!!!!
    Barney Frank (lisping worse than Sylvester the cat) “Psyche! You silly gooth”!

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