Top Ten Results of North Korea’s Nuclear Test

North Korea threatened to test a nuclear weapon. How will things be different afterwards?

10) New record set for world’s poofiest mushroom cloud.
9) Second nuclear test on North Korean soil, courtesy of an irritable Donald Rumsfeld.
8) Condi Rice has to drag out her Super-Diplomatic, Thigh-High, Black Leather Negotiating boots again.
7) Emptied missile silo now available for stowing political dissidents.
6) Grand opening of Disney Pyongyang – The Glowingest Place On Earth!
5) France thrilled by new opportunity to surrender.
4) Mark Foley’s 15 minutes of fame abruptly cut short.
3) Kim Jong Il despondent upon discovering that radiation doesn’t ACTUALLY give you super powers.
2) Bush’s status as biggest threat to world peace miraculously unchanged among leftists.
1) North Korea forced to explain away yet another embarrassing Dong malfunction.

Of course, it might not be a missle-based nuke. They could decide to just drop it out of the Enora Gay.


  1. This site is rampant with imposters! First some guy claims to be Mao, then some joker who cannot spell claims to be me!
    I knew Chairman Mao…and you sir are no Chairman Mao!
    You perhaps will send Jane Fonda to be human shield? In perhaps her Barbarella outfit? Rowrl! This site is rampant with imposters! First some guy claims to be Mao, then some joker who cannot spell claims to be me!
    I knew Chairman Mao…and you sir are no Chairman Mao!
    You perhaps will send Jane Fonda to be human shield? In perhaps her Barbarella outfit? Rowrl! <–See I do not type like talk!
    And your trackback sucks like Orek upright!

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