What a Stupid Wop Dago!

The controversy of that guinea Justice Scalia equating Mexican alcohol with tequila is picking up steam. I noticed that Kos had picked up on it and he and his minions have worked themselves up in a leftarded fury, but it’s also going mainstream. Will this be enough to finally sink that goomba Scalia and keep him and his greasy hair out of the Supreme Court? Well, I know I won’t vote for him next year.
Full Disclosure: I’m a quarter dago.


  1. Kos, you fargin sneaky bastage. I’m gonna take your dwork. I’m gonna nail it to the wall. I’m gonna crush your boils in a meat grinder. I’m gonna cut off your arms. I’m gonna shove ’em up your icehole. Dirty son-a-ma-batches. This is fargin war! Pass da tequila!

  2. I had a moment of weakness and actually read some of the comments. My favorite?? The one that says his statement was “remarkably decorus given the amount of chianti he likely kncoked back that afternoon.” Do these people even know the meaning of hypocrisy?!?!?!

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