Don Rumsfeld Accepts Responsibility for Escalating Violence at Sea World, Submits Resignation for Second Time



If wanted to videotape blowing up a monkey with dynamite for YouTube, what would be the laws in relation to that (i.e., laws on obtaining monkeys and what constitutes animal abuse, laws regulating sales of dynamite and it’s usage)?

Can We Have a Wikipedia Entry? Sadly, No.

Sadly, No!, the liberal supposed humor site that Cadet Happy is dueling with, has had a Wikipedia entry for over a year, but it went up for deletion in the past couple days with all votes so far against it.
I really don’t understand Wikipedia logic. The Sadly, No! article is certainly nicer looking and more informative than IMAO’s strange little blurb (which I ain’t touching since every other time IMAO had a Wikipedia entry, is was put up for deletion within a day), though it lacks any sources – which I guess could be fixed. If Wikipedia isn’t going to explain the history of blog site for us, then who is? Haven’t you ever run into a blog with a decent following and, after scanning the front page, exclaimed, “What the hell is this?” Why can’t Wikipedia answer that question?
I should have a contest to find the most insignificant post on Wikipedia (with more points the longer it is). My favorite so far is the eight pages dedicated to Bumblebee from the Transformers.

Frank J.’s New Agenda for America – Part 5: Taxes

Part 1: Iraq
Part 2: Military Reform
Part 3: Troop Benefits
Part 4: Border Security

“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
Taxes are evil.
Does that even have to be explained? In a perfect world, we’d all fund are own needs, but, because we aren’t perfect, the government takes our money at gunpoint to pay for people who don’t like working. The power to tax should never be wielded arbitrarily. Before taxes are raised to support some new government program, one should ask himself, “Would I also blow up an orphanage for this cause?” because that’s of the same level of morality.
With Democrats in charge, it is inevitable they will want to raise taxes. That is why they are Democrats. If you don’t want to raise taxes, then you aren’t a Democrat. Also, as a Democrat, anytime a tax cut is proposed you are compelled to state that it is “just a tax cut for the rich.”
When the Democrats propose to raise taxes, the Republican response must to beat all the Democrats within an inch of their lives. When police come to arrest the Republicans, they should simply explain that they were acting in self-defense by meeting violence with violence because:
Taxes are a form of violence.
If the Republicans make this point well, then they should be able to avoid conviction for assaulting the Democrats. If not, the world was never made worse by politicians being sent to jail.
When Republicans regain control, they should pass measures that require a super-duper majority to raise taxes since taxes are such a dangerous thing and also require only like five people to pass a tax cut (eight to overturn a veto). This should severely limit federal spending and force the government to only focus on important things such as paying for war and making our enemies suffer.
Be honorable, ronin.

I Support Our Troops When They Shoot Their Reporters

Now that the press seems pretty comfortable showing terrorists propaganda or even making up stories to help in the enemy’s proganda efforts, how much longer until the press cuts the middle man and reporters actually pick up rifles and shoot our troops directly?
I say the troops should start shooting reporters now before that happens.

Name that Party!

Now usually I think that all other political parties other than the main two are stupid and gay, and, if you want to change things, then your best bet is to try and take over the direction of one of those two parties, but let’s just entertain the notion for a moment of having to start our own party because the Republicans go all Commie. If we were to start our own party, what would be a good name for it? Most party names are pretty boring. The Democrats and Republicans get their names from types of government, and party names like the Libertarians and the Constitutional Party or the Conservative Party are equally boring. The Green Party just makes me think of sickly people.
So what would be some good names for an awesome political party?
How about:
The Marauders
The Fighting Plutocrats
The Death to All Enemies Party
Team Hellbender
Put your idea for political party names in the comments.

Listen to Lair

Or you’re dumb.
I just want to second what Lair said about voting for his story in the Podcast Pickle contest. I just listened to his story last night and the technical skill in putting it together is awesome (not to mention the story is good too). Everyone should give it a listen even if you’re too late to vote. Hopefully he can bring that skill to the podcast when we start it back up again. Then we’ll totally blow everyone’s minds and make all other podcasts look like crap.

Hugh Hewitt Is a Very Smart Man

And the Rose Bowl committee should listen to him.
Boise State (my Joe foo’ the Marine’s alma mater) is undefeated this season and I hear from my father (who has BSU season tickets and a reserved parking spot for tailgate parties) they have a lock on the Fiesta Bowl, but why not give them a shot at the big time? I don’t think any city is more dedicated to a college team than Boise (the Broncos are the closest thing Idaho has to a pro anything). Also, they’re the eternal underdogs (they do too well for too long, a college with more money steals their coach). America loves underdogs.
Yeah, they’ll probably be whupped horrible by Michigan (the Boise players are tiny compared to most of the other ranked teams), but maybe, just maybe, they could manage a win.
Potato power!

Will “Bag Man” win?

Okay, folks, so I haven’t had any funny for a while (possibly every). But it’s all been for a good reason, big project in the works.
Until then, yYou know the drill: Listen here, Register here, and Vote here.
There’s still two hours of voting to go. At of 9AM, I’m ahead by one single razor-thin vote.
Oh, and thanks to those of y’all who wrote me regarding the story. It’s my goal to put that amount of effort and depth into Crappy Bedtime Stories when the IMAO Podcast grinds back up into production.
It wasn’t easy gathering up all those sounds and mixing the living daylights out of the thing, but the blood, sweat, tears, and catpiss all show in the end product.
Until then, I’ll just duck out of the way, work on this big project sure to shake the foundations of Reality itself, and let the others resume the constant torrent of funny you’re used to.

IMAO Exclusive: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Letter to Canada

As you know, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently wrote a letter to America. What you probably didn’t know is that he has been writing letter to Canada for some time. A Canadian reader recently sent us a copy of the latest and you can see it for the first time exclusively here on IMAO:

Dear Canada,
How has your November been? Mine has been lots of fun. I just wrote America a letter for the first time, and I worked very hard on it. I doubt America will write me back, though, since they are so arrogant. You already know that being so close to them. That must suck. At least you’re not near Israel as they can be even more mean sometimes. They try to bake our children’s blood into matzo which is a lot like a cracker.
I saw this neat documentary about America the other day by this man named Borat who is from Kazakhstan. He and I are very much alike as we are both very concernced with the threat of Jews. Also, I often wrestle men naked when I get mad. I hope Borat will come to Iran and do a film as he should like it much better here than in America. I also saw a film with pirates that was lots of fun. You should make some pirate movies as I would definitely go see them.
Have you tried blogging? I love blogging. Writing whatever you feel like can be very fun. I just wish I could get more visitors to my blog. I hope to one day get the DailyKos to link to me. That’s one of the few blogs out there that really gets me as the people there support me and my great vision for Iran and the Middle East. And I think they’re American. Who would have thunk? I guess not all Americans are bad. Are there any Americans you like? I am just happy that some are not ignorant and know that Iran is a very sophisticated country that should be looked up to as an example to the world.
Today we’re hanging more gay people which should be festive. I know you are against the death penalty, but you must realize that the American government is even worse as they execute many people who aren’t even gay. Also, our death penalty is much less sexist as we also execute many women such as sluts who trick men into raping them. Stoning them to death is just part of the Islamic respect for women, and smart people understand that. We have many less reports of rape than Western nations because of this respect.
A monkey climbed through my window and bit me the other day. That makes me worried about our security. If a monkey can get to me, then surely the offspring of monkeys, the Jews, could get to me as well. I’m afraid they will blow up all our work on nuclear energy. Would you be willing to hide some of our nuclear material if needed? I’d understand if you say no, but it would be really cool of you to do it.
Do you ever feel ignored being next to that big, pushy America? I used to feel ignored because I’m short, but now I’m president. Things will get better for you. Did you know a gorilla only has a two-inch penis? That sort of puts things into perspective.
I’m less worried about America invading us now that they elected the Democrats. The Democrats may even be nice to me as many seem to listen to the DailyKos. I’m much more worried about China since I watched some movies with ninjas in them. I couldn’t get to sleep because all night I thought there was a ninja on the ceiling. If China got angry at me, then there could be a ninja for real. I thought I saw a ninja the other day, but it was just a Sunni woman in a burka. If she tried to flip around and throw sharp things at me, I’m sure her husband would beat her.
Isn’t it mean how many people in America make fun of my name for being long and complex? It’s not like I make fun of their names for being short and overly simple. “Bush” to me seems a lot like a sound you make when you burp. How is that a name? Do you ever get made fun of for your long names like Saskatchewan?
Do you ever get stressed out? When I get stressed out, I like to lead people in a chant of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” Of course, that’s only an expressions of our disagreement with their Crusader and Zionist policies and not to be taken literally. Still, if I could get rid of one, I wonder who I would choose? America is the Great Satan, but it’s all the way on the other side of the world. Israel is much closer and those Jews are wily. I guess the decision would be much easier for you, but do not underestimate the Jew threat.
Want to know a secret? Everyone actually hates the Palestinians. They’re a bunch of morons. I hope when we one day push the Jews into the sea the Palestinians don’t actually think we will want to be their friends. If so, I’m going to push them right into the sea with the Jews. I’d stay out of the sea after that if I were you.
People keep saying I’m crazy, but I’m not. Still, all the talk has made me question myself sometimes. The other weekend, I masturbated to some documentaries about the Holocaust. Is that weird? I asked an imam, and he told me it was okay but I should keep it to myself. It’s nice to have imams to ask questions to. Who do you ask questions to when you’re worried about things? New Zealand?
Please write me back soon.
Hugs and Kisses,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
P.S. If you think you see the Twelfth Imam, e-mail me right away. Thanks!

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Future presidents Kennedy and Nixon are seen promoting Duff Beer in the early 1960’s
2) Who wrote the book, “The Truth About Whacking Day”?
3) (T/F) Homer’s quote in his senior-year high school year book was, “That’s-a spicy meat-a ball”
4) Who was Marge and Homer’s high school principal?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Feldmann installation : Visitors look at a light installation by artist Karl Feldmann projected on Dresden’s Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) as part of the festivities to celebrate Dresden’s 800th anniversary. (AFP/DDP/Norbert Millauer)

Pope Whatshisname Reaches Out To Religion Of Peace . . .


I Thought the Excessive Shooting of Black People Was Supposed to End When Giuliani Left Office

I missed when this story first broke because I was on vacation when it happened, but my understanding is that five police officers fired on three unarmed black youths (not a euphemism for “Muslims” in this case, I think) for some reason or another – but most likely because they were black. Now, police shoot black people all the time for no reason, but what makes this significant is that only two of the officers were white while one was Hispanic and the other two were black themselves (and I think still are). That means we had a number of races united in hating and killing black people for no reason. That to me seems to indicate we’re finally getting past our primitive racist impulses and uniting as one beautiful people.
Still, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are trying to make this a racial incident because that’s how they make the money. You can call them lots of things, but you can’t call them lazy. They’d squeeze racism out of a stone if they had to. And now we have this new player City Councilmember Charles Barron calling for violence against police officers. I don’t think that’s a wise idea. New York City police officers tend to unload their guns into you even without violent provocation, so who knows what they’ll do if you actually attack them.
My favorite part of this is little Bloomberg condemning the incident based on only knowing how many shots were fired. Bloomberg just has that hard-boiled look to him where you can tell he’s been in countless shootouts and knows exactly how they should play out. The race pimps aren’t satisfied with Bloomberg’s condemnation of the incident, though, but maybe he can placate them better by presenting them a lollipop while dancing and singing a song.
All in all, this seems like a very tragic event surrounded by a big clown show. Anyone who criticizes the cops is chickenhawk, though, unless he himself is willing to put on a uniform and shoot at black people.

Hopefully Soon Blood Will Be Drawn

Sadly, No! is now trying to set the terms for round two of the photoshop duel. Eh. Hopefully that will turn out interesting.
So what is that site? My understanding is that it’s supposed to be a left-wing humor site but it really seems more like just free-form poetry. I think they do logo clean up, though, which is good because I didn’t know what I was doing when I put the moon behind our logo and now the IMAO letters are pixilated on the edges.
Maybe I should just replace our logo with another ad…
Any ideas for other rounds? Maybe who can do the best representation of what Michael Moore would look like if he were thin (he’s fat).