Harry Reid

Q: What’s the one good thing about the phrase “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid” ?

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A Pick Me Up

Are you seeing red over seeing so much blue? Here’s a real pick me up.
The next time you see someone smiling real big, y’know like their tax and spend appeasement party just won a bunch of seats in the U.S. congress.
Remind them that Lieberman won and smile a slight little smile
Then remind them Pelosi said she wouldn’t support an effort to impeach Bush. Then smile a little bigger.
And if you happen to mention Hillary Clinton supports the war, you just must might completely erase the grin off their punch-needing monkey-looking face.

For Some Perspective

Here’s a National Review editorial from right after the big 1986 losses of the Republican Party. No one ever talked about Reagan or his ideas after that.

Election Results: The World Reacts. Part IV


Election Results: The World Reacts. Part III

OBL reacts.jpg

You Know What Was the Worst Part of Rummy Resigning?

President Bush couldn’t pick any better time to give a stupid boring speech about Rummy and his super-happy-fun replacement than during the 3:00-4:00 hour.
Hey, Mr. President, could you do me a favor and interrupt The View or Oprah for once? Leave General Hospital alone!

Election Results: The World Reacts. Part II

Saddam Hussein.
“President Of Iraq”

Election Results: The World Reacts. Part I


Fun Trivia

Why didn’t Karl Rove steal this election like the previous ones?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Waiting for the other skate to drop…

Well, we’ve seen Rummy fall on his sword within 24 hours of the Pelosi/Reid Regime getting the nod from the voters. What about Condi?
Apparently, she’s gone ahead and lost her freaking mind:

Michelle Kwan, the American figure skater who holds nine national championships and five world titles, is about to become a nonsalaried U.S. diplomat.
On Thursday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice plans to name the 26-year-old Californian and daughter of Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong as a public diplomacy ambassador, said a senior U.S. official.
Kwan, the biggest star in her sport for a decade, will represent American values especially to young people and sports enthusiasts and is expected to travel widely, the official said.

That’s right, folks. The solution to America’s image across the world is…. ICE SKATING!
Wait… hold on… they have all the oil but no ice to skate on, we have plenty of ice but a bunch of elk and caribou living on our oil… we sell the ice out from under the elk and caribou so we can get to the oil…
Never mind. I reacted to quickly once again. She’s a freaking . We’ll make BILLIONS.

Continue reading ‘Waiting for the other skate to drop…’ »

List Problems So the New Frank J. Republican Agenda Can Solve Them

I already have lots of solutions to the problems facing our nation and the world, but, to make sure nothing gets left out of the new agenda, list in the comments the problems you think need solving. The new Frank J. Republican Agenda for America and the World should cover everything.
I’ll start announcing parts of the new agenda tomorrow, and it should make you very happy for finally someone will be pushing towards real solutions… that person being me, Frank J.

Remembrance of Rummy

Blackfive already has up a nice remembrance of Rumsfeld (with cool pictures!).
Also, my book will be a nice remembrance of Rummy as it is filled with many instances of him strangling reporters and liberals. Prepare to buy many copies as soon as SarahK finished the final edits (I never meant to be so error prone in my writing, but I am).

Frank J. Republicans

I think the only thing left now is for me to take over the Republican Party. I seem to be the only person who knows what he’s doing. I just want to kill terrorists and make sure the economy is good enough that we always have plenty of hotdogs and beer. I think this is a good, forward looking focus for our country.
I will write up a full agenda to solve all of Americas problems and kill all of America’s enemies. It is time for me to begin leading this country to a happy place with no bad people and lots of beer and hotdogs.
Tell me what you would like for the future of this country, and I’ll try and include the best ideas in my new agenda for America.


They didn’t even call me first!
What violent, crotchety old man will be able to replace him?
This is wrong. Very wrong.
I guess I’ll have to put my name down to be the next Secretary of War.
I’ll come up with my plans for the military soon…
His replacement looks too nice. I better get my plan out soon so Bush will know to pick me.

First it was FOX. Now it’s CNN. More stupid graphics…

Since I bashed Fox last time, let’s balance things out with CNN

Wait… 49 Democrats and 49 Republicans? Zero Independents?
Joe Lieberman is an Indpendent, you pecan-chewing jackasses.
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, you Coke-swilling button-monkeys.
Let’s scroll down a bit…

What the zarking fardwarks is an “O”, CNN?
What now? A bunch of “X” party members come out and we get to watch Lou Dobbs play Tic Tac Toe with Wolf Blitzer?
Give it a rest, CNN. Put an I by Hadassah’s Husband and an S by Eugene V. Debbs 2.0.