The Chronicles of Dubya is so good it made Frank sick!

We received the proof for the new book from NTM Publishing, The Chronicles of Dubya Volume 1 etc. etc., today. The book is so great that it made Frank J. sick! He’s now in bed with the flu or a stomach virus that came with a 101 degree fever (or temperature – I guess it’s only a 2.4 degree fever). Personally, I think he’s just avoiding my mom’s side of the family – the Ks must have worn him out.
But you know what would make Frank feel better? You buying lots of copies of our new book! We’re so proud of it, especially now that we’ve seen it.
The books start shipping in early December, so order yours now to get them in time for Christmas!

RIP Gerald Boyd

Gerald Boyd, the man who helped advance anti-American liberalism and diversity-for-its-own-sake-at-any-cost at the New York Times, died yesterday at the age of 56.
I just received an email from Jayson Blair, former employee and student of Gerald Boyd at the New York Times, and he lists the following items as Gerald Boyd’s Top Ten Accomplishments At The New York Times:
10. First African-American on the moon, established first Lunar News Bureau.
9. Spoke twelve languages fluently, including Klingon.
8. It was Gerald Boyd’s trident that Bill Brassky used to stab Wolfman Jack.
7. Personally kissed every newspaper in the upper-right corner as a symbol of his blessing.
6. Repelled the Martian Invasion of 2002 with nothing more than a 9-Volt battery, some Wrigley’s gum and a pair of paperclips.
5. Spiked the story of the Martian Invasion of 2002 because he didn’t believe in reporters becoming the story and it would have made the Bush Administration and the military look incapable of protecting the country against foreign threats.
4. Won the Pulitzer Prize with nothing more than a stream of commands, periods, exclamation points, and semicolons because of the strength of his moral standing.
3. Secretly negotiated the peace between Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper for lasting peace in the WWE – something that eluded Jimmy Carter and all presidents since.
2. Formulated a cancer-curing ink for newsprint editions. Sadly, his research on cancer-curing animated GIF patterns for the online edition never came to fruition despite some heartening tests on mice and earthworms.
1. Partnered with Uri Geller to develop method of remote-viewing of news events to eliminate the need for correspondents to travel to the location, interview witnesses, or fact-check eyewitness claims against reliable sources and records.
No. Really. It’s really from Jayson Blair.
Would I lie to you?

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Everybody else is in a coma because of the turkey. Well, not the turkey, but the “special” gravy that Russian Premier Vladimir Putin sent us to go along with it.
Being a Jew of Russian Extraction, it is in my genes not to trust the tsars, so I passed on that component of the IMAO Thanksgiving Meal. Oh, and Putin’s Polonium Pie… oops, Pumpkin Pie.
Anyway, it’s time for Piper the Greedy:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Piper is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog.
Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness.
There’s also Flickr Groups called Furry Friday and Friday Catblogging.
Anybody I miss?

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Maggie is practically never seen without her what?
2) (T/F) “Scandals & Suicides” is the TV show that does a feature on Homer’s sexual-assault scandal
3) Who does Bart think chopped up George Washington?
4) What is Bart’s cherished toddler toy?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.