A Pick Me Up

Are you seeing red over seeing so much blue? Here’s a real pick me up.
The next time you see someone smiling real big, y’know like their tax and spend appeasement party just won a bunch of seats in the U.S. congress.
Remind them that Lieberman won and smile a slight little smile
Then remind them Pelosi said she wouldn’t support an effort to impeach Bush. Then smile a little bigger.
And if you happen to mention Hillary Clinton supports the war, you just must might completely erase the grin off their punch-needing monkey-looking face.

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  1. i hate to be the killjoy, but you have to remember: it is not a sin for them to lie to their enemies if it furthers their religion of tax and spend, so Hillary could be lying about the war, and Crazy Aunt Nancy could be lying about impeachment.
    no wait. that’s Islam i’m thinking of. it’s easy to confuse the two. they both love terrorists so much.

  2. Now why couldn’t you have posted this at 6 or 7pm before I went to my night class where I am surrounded by moonbats? This would have been helpful like four hours ago.
    Anyways, thanks for the guide, even if it is a little late.

  3. Hey boys and girls. Just wanted to stop by and say hello after a glorious sweep that I’m sure everyone is happy about. Finally we can breath. Of course now the taxes will go back up on the rich, we can get the minimum wage up, and finally get adequate support for our troops in Iraq (especially now that Rummy is out). đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚ Not trying to gloat…oh who am I kidding, we won both houses. Finally something can get done for the people, not for the corporations who suck us dry. A most fabulous night, exciting and fun indeed. Thank you very much everyone and it was a blast.
    Take care.
    Oh yeah, finally some real protectors of the USA. Because we all know who really fights terrorists BEFORE (key word, before) they attack…THE DEMOCRATS.
    Your favorite friend

  4. Good one SarahK.
    I forget, which party is it that loves the death penalty, which is used in every Muslim nation, and none of the Western, democratic Nations.
    Which party is it that loves to hate gays, which is also a favourite pastime of the Muslims.
    Which party is it that makes continuous references to God when running Wars, and when conducting politics, believing they are the blessed ones, something no other Western nation does like the US. But plenty of the Islamic ones do.
    The people of which party are prudish beyond belief, pissing their pants when a boob is show on daytime tv, much the reaction you would expect from an Islamite.
    Might I suggest a hobby you would be more skilled at, like the culinary arts, or overeating.

  5. Yes, they are EXACTLY as gracious and unhinged in victory as they are in defeat. Thanks for stopping by, lefties! Keep coming back as you find time. If you think that we’re going to stop having fun (at your expense), then you’re even more loopey than you’ve ever suspected…and probably happy to share the company of Porto do Nutjob. Please…Don’t ever stop.
    Oooo! One more thing to smile about…most of those centrist Dinos they just elected are pro-gun!

  6. Pelosi said she wouldn’t support an effort to impeach Bush.
    Spacemonkey, you don’t really believe anything that Nancy Pelosi says, do you? It’s really easy to tell when she’s lying: if her lips are moving, she’s lying.

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