Buttpirates For Bombers?

Meryl mentions the recent Israeli High Court decision to offer symbolic recognition to gay marriages.
Meanwhile, Queers For Palestine keeps marching with light loafers against the Jewish State, despite it being the only nation in the Middle East where they can march, marry, and it’s not a crime for them to be homosexual.
Yes, the ultra-Orthodox hate their guts, but when they pick up a rock and huck it at the homosexualim, it’s the rock-thrower who gets arrested, not the homosexualim.
As Zombietime calls them:

No single group better exemplifies the cognitive dissonance on display at these rallies than Queers for Palestine, also known as QUIT — Queers Undermining Israeli Terror.

In the past, I’ve struggled with settling on a single snarky term for Queers For Palestine, so I IM-ed a few folks to see what we could come up with…
10. Polesmokers For Palestine
9. The Limp-Wristed Resistance Movement
8. Queers For Qassams
7. C***suckers For The Caliphate
6. Glory Hole Holy Warriors
5. Al Aqsa Fairies Brigade
4. Islamic Gee, I Had Such A Nice Time In the Castro Last Month
3. Mohammed’s Trumpet Blowers
2. Hizballsonmychin
And the number one alternative name for Queers For Palestine…
1. Gays For Genocide
Of course, these ten can’t possibly be all of them. Feel free to add your own in the comments.
*** ock

(I’m sure they could benefit from some legal advice from Kevin, not that it would tell them anything they didn’t already know.)


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