Democrats’ New Direction for America

Reader Rudy sent this is:


  1. You also forgot the part about the liberal waiting at the bottom to lecture the driver and passengers about how a government program would have prevented this tragedy but now that it’s happened there just happens to be a government program for just this situation! Who knew!

  2. Hunh. For a minuit there, I thought you had another candid photo of Ted Kennedy behind the wheel.
    That would becon the riddle of what the gravest of tradgities of this photo would be?
    Answer: Nancy Pelosi, Hillery Clinton, John Kerry and Harry Reid wasn’t along for the ride!

  3. Our jobs, over the next couple of years, and maybe beyond, is to play janitor to the messes that are going to occur- again. That has been one of the biggest problems for American Republican/Conserverative progressives; un-doing the damage wrought by liberal “leadership”. Had Clinton been a leader, he might’ve been able to make the tough decisions when the time was right: when it would’ve been appropriate, instead of leaving it up to all of us. He did not make ANY decicions when the time was right, and that legacy is painfully apparant. The liberals then had the audacity to say Reps mis-handled the situation. So ignoring the problem, by that… logic… is better than addressing it.
    Now that Dems have “control”, as if they knew how to accomplish a thing, we ABSOLUTELY need to be on their tails concerning national security, immmigration, national welfare & bi-partisan inclusion. If, as a majority in the house & senate, they sell Neo-cons short, we need to invoke every & all Constitutional provisions to countermand just about every legislative measure they introduce.
    Chances are, they’ll champion every cause that is not just un-American, but anti-American.

  4. The car seems to be wired up with explosives, indicating it’s a terrorist car. This is the democrats new tolerance and understanding movement by symbolically “walking a mile in their shoes” and of course making the rest of us walk right along with them. This of course leads to burning and careening and all sorts of things that are only fun to watch when actual terrorists in James Cameron films are doing it.
    I say dems should stop with all the “symbolic” crap and simply go out and bomb America with in reality. Go to men’s wearhouse and get measured now. This will result in less democrats and no retribution to dumb monkey face punchings.

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