
Feldmann installation : Visitors look at a light installation by artist Karl Feldmann projected on Dresden’s Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) as part of the festivities to celebrate Dresden’s 800th anniversary. (AFP/DDP/Norbert Millauer)


  1. Correct me ifn I am wrong, but didn’t we blowed up Dresden real good during WWII? Why did we miss that gay looking church? What we didn’t blowed up real good we firebombed even more real good, didn’t we?

  2. What we didn’t blowed up real good we firebombed even more real good, didn’t we?
    Hence, my comment. Search for the Firebombing of Dresden. It was in all the papers a few months ago on some anniversary. The Germans were whining that we shouldn’t have done it as they weren’t really at fault as the war just kind of happened and they were caught up in it just like us.

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