Frank J. Republicans

I think the only thing left now is for me to take over the Republican Party. I seem to be the only person who knows what he’s doing. I just want to kill terrorists and make sure the economy is good enough that we always have plenty of hotdogs and beer. I think this is a good, forward looking focus for our country.
I will write up a full agenda to solve all of Americas problems and kill all of America’s enemies. It is time for me to begin leading this country to a happy place with no bad people and lots of beer and hotdogs.
Tell me what you would like for the future of this country, and I’ll try and include the best ideas in my new agenda for America.


  1. Please include a plank in your platform that prohibits celebrities from discussing anything other than their current film/TV/music project. If you could include a penalty of permanent exile to the caves near Tora Bora, that’d be good too. That way, we’d get rid of the celebrity and drive the terrorist out of hiding at the same time.

  2. the first round is always on the house?

    As in, on The House of Representatives? We may have to cut some programs to fund that.
    What about milk and hot dogs for us Puritans who don’t drink?
    I would like to be Secretary of Muslim Relations. Hehehehehehehehe. Oh that’d be so cool! “I’m sorry, I don’t care about CAIR.”

  3. Are you going to run for office, or just kill Ken Melman and take his place?

    I’m still deciding on that. I have nothing against Ken, but I will kill him if needed.
    I think I’d like to be more of a mastermind than a politician, though.

  4. In the spirit of diversity, Pizza and Nachos should have a place in the new world order. Also, the word diversity should only ever be allowed in public discourse if it is referring specifically to Pizza and Nachos.

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