Frank J.’s New Agenda for America – Part 5: Taxes

Part 1: Iraq
Part 2: Military Reform
Part 3: Troop Benefits
Part 4: Border Security

“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
Taxes are evil.
Does that even have to be explained? In a perfect world, we’d all fund are own needs, but, because we aren’t perfect, the government takes our money at gunpoint to pay for people who don’t like working. The power to tax should never be wielded arbitrarily. Before taxes are raised to support some new government program, one should ask himself, “Would I also blow up an orphanage for this cause?” because that’s of the same level of morality.
With Democrats in charge, it is inevitable they will want to raise taxes. That is why they are Democrats. If you don’t want to raise taxes, then you aren’t a Democrat. Also, as a Democrat, anytime a tax cut is proposed you are compelled to state that it is “just a tax cut for the rich.”
When the Democrats propose to raise taxes, the Republican response must to beat all the Democrats within an inch of their lives. When police come to arrest the Republicans, they should simply explain that they were acting in self-defense by meeting violence with violence because:
Taxes are a form of violence.
If the Republicans make this point well, then they should be able to avoid conviction for assaulting the Democrats. If not, the world was never made worse by politicians being sent to jail.
When Republicans regain control, they should pass measures that require a super-duper majority to raise taxes since taxes are such a dangerous thing and also require only like five people to pass a tax cut (eight to overturn a veto). This should severely limit federal spending and force the government to only focus on important things such as paying for war and making our enemies suffer.
Be honorable, ronin.


  1. FrankJ won’t be old enough to be president in 2008. Plus I think he would probable make a better ‘Emperor’ or ‘Supreme Commander and Overlord’ that he would a president. And there is no age requirement for those positions.

  2. //How about anyone who proposes a tax increase that is turned down gets 30 lashes with a cat ‘o nine on the White House lawn?//
    Sounds good to me. So much the worse for someone who proposes a tax hike that passes, who in turn should get drawn & quartered on the aforementioned lawn.

  3. HAHAHA! Important things like war and making our enemies suffer! LOL! Why is there an age limit on the presidency? FrankJ could totally rule the world! With Frank’s smart priorities and SarahK to keep him in line America would have peace in no time. (Y’know, the only way to have peace. Through violence;))

  4. Let’s dispense with the qualifying factors for the flogging…ANYONE currently serving in either the House or the Senate gets flogged PERIOD! That will make damn sure we flog all the pricks! If we flog a few innocents…oh well…they are guilty by association in my book!

  5. Frank,
    As I continually expound, you have my vote for either President or Suprime Dictator!
    Isn’t it interesting…all the demonrats who want to take our money to fund their leftist causes never shell out thier own money? I think Nancy Pelosi out to take in a needle freak or welfare rat into he own home or personally fund other people’s sex-change operations! I wonder how long afterward she would still advocate such causes?

  6. LTDTL…
    Peace is only one through Victory. If violence is the means, then so be it. Capitulation is just a fancy word for Permission… Permission to attack, to terrorize and to maim.
    I know violence isn’t the answer, but I got it wrong on purpose.
    Have you learned nothing from Aesop’s fables. Are are you just fond of bites from the snakes under your coat?

  7. I will take the job of Press Secretary if offered it and will at the same time have the Supreme Court pass a law making it legal to stone homos. Will make my press conferences much fun!

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