Fun Trivia

Why didn’t Karl Rove steal this election like the previous ones?

To get the moonbats’ guards down for when he steals the much more important 2008 election!


  1. Actually, he was doing reasonably well until he got tangled up in the PlameGate and was somehow induced to have a lawyer named Robert Luskin: an anti-war activist, speech writer for Democrat VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro, Clinton scandal lawyer (Whitewater, Vince Foster, etc.), and tainted organized crime lawyer. Suspicious?
    Since then Bush has been given all kinds of bad advice (Harriett Miers, calling Minutemen “vigilantes”, Dubai Ports, publicly calling the election as good as won a week ago, etc…) Rove turned to the dark side when he got touched by the Clinton legal machine. Somehow it seems they got to him.
    Either that or he just happened to get conveniently stupid and/or evil. Coincidence?
    Eat my soul? Ha! somebody else already ate his!

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