Fun Trivia

Why did George Allen lose his reelection bid?

Too many macacas in this country.


  1. HA HA HA…..
    Heres something great:
    Even dead people win against Republicans
    Dead woman wins election in US
    WASHINGTON: Marie Steichen died two months ago but she won a battle to become a county commissioner for a small South Dakota town in the US elections, an official said.
    Jerauld county auditor Cindy Peterson said that the election list closed on August 1, and while Steichen died from cancer in September her name was kept on the list for Tuesday’s election.
    Steichen beat a Republican rival by 100 votes to 64 and Peterson said she believed that voters knew the woman was dead but wanted to make their political point.
    hahaha….great stuff

  2. Send all the invaders back over the land bridge to Siberia….My Atlantean brothers and I will grow new crystal cities and the children will fly kites under marmalade skies….
    whoa, I think I took too much….

  3. Jeff Hampton: Calm down brother. Step away from the keyboard. Good. Just relax, we’re all friends here. The election is over, you and your liberal waistoids won. Now, slowly, I repeat, slowly, pull your head out of your ass. Good. Take a deep breath. Breathe deep. Smell that fresh, wonderful air. Democracy in work brother, paid for the blood of others so folks like you have the god-given right to waste your lives away with your heads buried deep in your rectums.
    Humor is a wonderful thing, why don’t you try it. Move back from Canada and become one of us Americans again. You can do it. You’ve taken the first, most difficult step. That’s right. Fight the urge to stick your head back in your butt. Welcome home. And Narb. You ignorant slut.

  4. Just a friendly bit of advice from a fellow blogger: Can it with the “Fun Trivia” posts — they couldn’t possibly be any less funny.
    If you have nothing to say, just try not saying anything. Better to close one’s mouth and be thought a fool, etc. etc.

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