I Thought the Excessive Shooting of Black People Was Supposed to End When Giuliani Left Office

I missed when this story first broke because I was on vacation when it happened, but my understanding is that five police officers fired on three unarmed black youths (not a euphemism for “Muslims” in this case, I think) for some reason or another – but most likely because they were black. Now, police shoot black people all the time for no reason, but what makes this significant is that only two of the officers were white while one was Hispanic and the other two were black themselves (and I think still are). That means we had a number of races united in hating and killing black people for no reason. That to me seems to indicate we’re finally getting past our primitive racist impulses and uniting as one beautiful people.
Still, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are trying to make this a racial incident because that’s how they make the money. You can call them lots of things, but you can’t call them lazy. They’d squeeze racism out of a stone if they had to. And now we have this new player City Councilmember Charles Barron calling for violence against police officers. I don’t think that’s a wise idea. New York City police officers tend to unload their guns into you even without violent provocation, so who knows what they’ll do if you actually attack them.
My favorite part of this is little Bloomberg condemning the incident based on only knowing how many shots were fired. Bloomberg just has that hard-boiled look to him where you can tell he’s been in countless shootouts and knows exactly how they should play out. The race pimps aren’t satisfied with Bloomberg’s condemnation of the incident, though, but maybe he can placate them better by presenting them a lollipop while dancing and singing a song.
All in all, this seems like a very tragic event surrounded by a big clown show. Anyone who criticizes the cops is chickenhawk, though, unless he himself is willing to put on a uniform and shoot at black people.


  1. My theory is that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hide in little holes like moles until something like this hits the news then they pop out of nowhere as if they are somehow relevant or something. I guess it gives them something to do other than running around having illegitimate babies and making fun of the Jews.

  2. Chickenhawks! Ha! I was just thinking the same thing the other day when I was hearing all the condemnation of police officers and cries of “Police Brutality”. I knew that if I read this blog long enough, I would eventually become a mindless, FrankJ zombie. It’s so good to know I no longer have to think for myself.

  3. Chickenhawks! Ha! I was just thinking the same thing the other day when I was hearing all the condemnation of police officers and cries of “Police Brutality”. I knew that if I read this blog long enough, I would eventually become a mindless, FrankJ zombie. It’s so good to know I no longer have to think for myself.
    You could have concluded you don’t need to read IMAO anymore, but that would have been wrong.

  4. I grew up in Chicago in the 70’s and listening to Jesse Jackson was always good for a laugh.
    One year he and his Rainbo – ah Co – ah – lish ee on boycotted Chicago-fest because not enough minorities were employed. I still remember the chants. “Boycott the ‘Fest… The Fest is just a Mess. Boycott the “Fest… the Fest is just a Mess.” Ah, the good old days. Run Jesse Run.
    Clown show is right…

  5. One of the signs you’re a Frank J. zombie is that you don’t know you’re a Frank J. zombie. Otherwise it implies you can think for yourself.
    Fortunately, it turns out Frank J. zombies are just a myth. I’ve been reading IMAO for years and haven’t turned into a Frank J. zombie yet.
    Or maybe I have…I don’t know…

  6. The funny thing is that the commie media never fills you in on what lead up to these shootings (as if police just draw their guns and open fire for no reason at all). I guess you could never get libs in an uproar if the entire truth was told (like the three “unarmed youths” were probably flashing gang signs, shouting death threats and reaching inside their jackets like they were about to pull weapons). Now if we could only get Jessie and Al to threaten police officers in like fassion….

  7. Funny, I had heard the yutes in question died of lead poisoning? Will the honkies and the spic be accused of hate crimes while the house slave cops just be charged with discharging a gun into a black yute w/in the corporate city limits?

  8. Hey, you can’t criticize Bloomberg, because you’ve never been the mayor of New York.
    Then again, I can’t criticize you, because I’ve never been married to SarahK.
    I can criticize myself for my bad criticism, because I have been me.

  9. You Americans wouldn’t know racism if it shot you with a gun.
    Honestly, America is the least racist country in the world. Maybe except for Canada, but they’re all socialist commie pinkos. (Or were they before, and now are good God-loving conservatives? I forget.)

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