List Problems So the New Frank J. Republican Agenda Can Solve Them

I already have lots of solutions to the problems facing our nation and the world, but, to make sure nothing gets left out of the new agenda, list in the comments the problems you think need solving. The new Frank J. Republican Agenda for America and the World should cover everything.
I’ll start announcing parts of the new agenda tomorrow, and it should make you very happy for finally someone will be pushing towards real solutions… that person being me, Frank J.


  1. Seattle, Women who are ‘fraid of guns (?!?), ammo prices, Import beer (whats the point), Islamic Rage Boy (ammo prices) and Bruce Willis not running for President.
    thats all the problems I can think of until I get drunk. get back to ya on that.

  2. Moonbat hunting season is never open.
    Botox limits on all Senators and Congressman. Also, Botox injections for public officials should not be funded with taxpayer money.
    Vermont, California, Oregon and Massachusetts should be forced to secede along with parts of a few other states.

  3. The biggest problem in our nation is free stuff. “Free” stuff is never free. De-monkey-crats pretend that they can give people free healthcare & hot lunches & monkey chow, but someone always winds up paying for it. Free stuff corrodes human integrity, weakens individual independence, and destroys self reliance.
    Also, make Minnesota secede from the Union. They just elected the Nation of Islam’s & CAIR’s spokesman to Congress. Didn’t we just get done making fun of the Palestinians for electing terrorists into their government? Didn’t we learn from Lebanon’s mistake in making Hezbollah part of their government? Damn, Minnesotans are stupid!

  4. Pictures of Sara in that election night red sweater wouuld help ease the pain…
    I’d suggest we start our agenda by only listening to people like FrankJ. Rush has already admitted to “carrying water” for liberal republicans…translation…he lied to everyone for them! I’m getting very tired of radio and TV personalities that say they are conservatives but then go along with liberal Republicans! Losers!

  5. -Moonbats breathing all our air.
    -Canada geese crapping all over our golf courses.
    -Canada geese crapping all over everwhere.
    -14 states without concealed carry.
    -High price of good weed. (Sorry, I like it.)
    -The Chicago Cubs.
    I have others but I’m tired. Oh Yeah!
    -I’m tired.

  6. -Small arms proliferation amongst civilians.
    – Absence of ninja training in our children’s physical education.
    -Poorly informed juries not properly checking and balancing the power of the judiciary.
    -Convincing John Bolton to run for President (and his mustache for VP)
    -States like California, New York, Massachusetts, and the like suspending the Constitution and therefore being technically in rebellion against the Union.

  7. How about dousing the Wicke Witch of the West (Pelosi) with ice water just to watch her melt?
    If that doesn’t work, douse her with anti-botox and watch her shrivel up.
    Now there is an idea for Pay-per-View…

  8. -Getting serious about ending farm subsidies? That’s why Doha died.
    -Holding Bush to all his campaign promises that I LIKED?!?!
    -Privatize Social Security (Instead we get Medicare part D)
    -More free trade (Instead we get politically motivated protective tarriffs for steel)
    -Appoint judges who respect the law (Should have gone Nuclear)
    -What about balanced budgets? Why is non- Homeland Security spending so sky-high?
    -We should have sent the Marines in to rescue that EP3-E crew held hostage on Hainan by the Chi-Coms. None of this “apology” BS.
    -New military policy: No more letting 3rd world soldiers do our job (Tora Bora, any one?)
    -New policy at the polls: No Gun, No vote.

  9. I live in the country and people from the city keep dumping puppies at the end of my driveway. Is there a solution to this?
    Send them to the University of Tennessee’s law school.

  10. America’s problem: The RNC torpedoing all its truly conservative nominees with money donated by conservative Republicans, that would have been better spent against Democrats. Oh, and how to surgically implant spines into the Rs serving in the current Congress and administration? We should clone Joe Liebermann’s.

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