Marines: We Don’t Want To Send The Wrong Christmas Present to A Jewish Or Muslim Family

Toys For Tots, the Christmas gift program run by the US Marine Corp Reserves, has declined to accept a talking Jesus doll.
There is nothing worse than taking a religious holiday and giving a religious gift.
As long as we’re at it, shouldn’t they also screen for other gifts that might be offensive?
Balls: Sure it’s sweet and innocent, but a couple of balls in the house might be offensive to a young same sex couple trying to raise their daughter lesbian.
Candy Canes: Nothing mocks the disabled and elderly more than a cane that has no real function. Would you give out candy flavored prosthetic eyeballs? Of course not.
Dolls: Eating disorders, bad body images. And these are just the Barbie Dolls. I’m pretty sure that the Bratz line of dolls have STD’s or something. Not exactly the happy message you want to give young ladies.
Tickle Me Elmo. Elmo laughs, vibrates, and throws himself to the ground and rolls around. Patently offensive to those who suffer from seizures.
What say you, IMAO readers?
Any other toys that might be offensive to certain groups?
Please mention in comments.


  1. A pen and paper (or other writing items); that would just be rude to blind children, giving them something that they couldn’t possibly use.
    Stockings – We have to think about those children that don’t have feet to put stockings onto.

  2. We NEED un-PC toys for our kids. Gotta teach kids about survival skills you know. Clackers! Lawn Darts! Dry Cleaner Plastic Bags!
    Or the SNL/Dan Ackroyd/Mainway Toy line.
    General Tron Secret Police Confession Kit
    Johnny Switchblade Adventure Punk
    Bag ‘O Glass

  3. The Tracii Guns Home Body Art Kit
    Anatomically Correct Bert and Ernie Dolls, with Massachusetts Marriage License
    Barrel of M-80s and Cherry Bombs
    Whatever Michael Moore Coughed Up after Thanksgiving Dinner
    The Best of Tony Kornheiser’s “Analysis” from ESPN Monday Night Football
    Free Upgrade at the Nancy Pelosi Paint and Body Works
    Sampler Set from the Ted Kennedy Lquor Cabinet

  4. //Would you give out candy flavored prosthetic eyeballs? Of course not.//
    LOL! I nearly spewed my coffee over that one.
    Paleo wrote “Whatever Michael Moore Coughed Up after Thanksgiving Dinner”. Last year, when Moore was asked what he does with his thanksgiving leftovers, he just looked puzzled, and then asked, “What’s a leftover?”

  5. The article says: As a government entity, Marines “don’t profess one religion over another,” Grein said Tuesday. “We can’t take a chance on sending a talking Jesus doll to a Jewish family or a Muslim family.”
    Ok, so why would a Jewish or Muslim family be accepting Christmas gifts in the first place? Second of all, I think most of the Jews I know would not be offended by a talking Jesus doll. And hey, if the Marines don’t profess one religion over another, why are they giving out Christmas gifts anyway? I don’t see them handing out gifts for Hanukkah or Ramadan.
    Also in the article: Grein questioned whether children would welcome a gift designed for religious instruction. “Kids want a gift for the holiday season that is fun,” he said.
    Hey, beggars can’t be choosers. I say give them talking Jesus.

  6. The Famous Parkinson’s Sufferers Bobblehead dolls. First in the series is Michael J. Fox and Pope John Paul II.
    The Dr. Frankenstein spine growing kit for your favorite Republican leader.
    Red Rover: Border Crossing Edition
    Trivial Pursuit: Short Bus Edition Mental Ages 4-6 Also Approved By John Kerry For Play By U.S. Soldiers.

  7. Grein questioned whether children would welcome a gift designed for religious instruction. “Kids want a gift for the holiday season that is fun,” he said.

    The man does make sense.
    I say we find out the kid’s political orientation. If Republican, we send them a gun. If Democrat, Das Kapital (all four volumes).

  8. We can’t give gifts period, it offends the po’ people who can’t afford to buy their own stuff, let alone gifts.
    If we buy stuff to give them we are just rubbing their noses in the fact that they are poor and need our assistance to buy stuff (except for beer and cigaretts, all poor people can afford those).
    The Marines should hand out un-edited copies of the “peaceful” mooslims beheading hostages so everybody can see how the religion of “peace” tolerates others.
    As soon as the Common Sense Manufacturing Company, LLC, Inc. resumes production we need to ship it out by the truck/train/boat load to the Dimocrats. Until then, just ship them kegs of STFU.

  9. You think that’s bad. Just think of all the trouble a good Muslim can get into with inappropriate holiday gifts. For example, just this last year the local jihadi’s inadvertently sent out the annual severed head tapes to former Christians who had already converted to Islam. Talk about a colossal stuff up! Apparently someone didn’t get the word. Those Jihadi’s spent weeks trying to find all the scattered entrails so they could be sent back to their families for proper Islamic burial. It’s the worst thing to happen since they accidentally blew up an arms cache in the basement of the grand mosque. Stop telling me the Jews were responsible too. There hasn’t been a live Jew within 700 miles for over 50 years now.

  10. It is amasing how they keep trying to get Jews in the same wagon with Muslims. I am sure no Jewish organisation was contacted on that matter.
    I am Jewish, and I am sure every sane Jewish person will join me in asking Marines to send what they feel like to whoever they feel like. Just don’t put a hand grenade in a package addressed to Osama Bin-Laden, it can hurt Customs officials.
    Jews donate a lot to Salvation Army, St Vincent and other Christian charities operating in their home countries. I am sure a misplaced toy will find a proper place eventually.
    Judaism is a non-proselitising religion, we do not take a reminder that other people believe differently as an insult.
    Some morons want to take over the world really passionately. If you have no balls to tell them they are not there yet, do not use us to justify that.

  11. Let’s see:
    Can’t include books, lest you offend the illiterate kids; can’t have crayons, lest you offend those who are color-blind; action figures are out…they offend the anti-war crowd; can’t send candy…we don’t want them getting diabetes; IPODs are out because some kids can’t hear, and we don’t want to offend them. Can’t send food products…too many kids with allergies. I’m sure there’s more, but there’s been a bunch mentioned already.

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