More Agenda Soon!

Today is a day off for me, but, because I love America, I’m going to write more of my new agenda for America today, this time focusing on general military reforms and troop benefits.
In that vein, I should mention today is the 231st Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Also, tomorrow, Veteran’s Day, is my brother’s birthday. I can’t call him, though, since Sgt. Joe foo’ the Marine is in the middle of OCS so that he will be Lt. Joe foo’ the Marine in December. So, today, I will ask for donations in honor of the Marines to the Valour-IT program to buy laptops for injured military men and women.

I had been boosting the Navy before, but they have almost reached their goal of $45,000 and the Navy always lends support to the Marines anyway.

The Navy has now reached its goal. Thus, I’m now an official booster for the Marines. Ooh-rah! Let’s get them to $45,000 next!


  1. I believe that since we are at war it is imperative that each member of congress understand the smallest technicalities and subtleties of military service, we should immediately implement a plan where all members of the next congress are forced to attend and successfully graduate from a boot camp of their choosing from the Air Force, Army or Marines. Navy will be exempt due to close quarters at sea drills and the propensity for congressional gayness– Any congressmen not performing up to military standards will either be shot or will receive a dishonorable discharge and will go on to fame and glory in the Democratic Party.

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