
They didn’t even call me first!
What violent, crotchety old man will be able to replace him?
This is wrong. Very wrong.
I guess I’ll have to put my name down to be the next Secretary of War.
I’ll come up with my plans for the military soon…
His replacement looks too nice. I better get my plan out soon so Bush will know to pick me.


  1. Bush had his replacement picked prior to the elections. Maybe he also had the confirmation assured before he let Chavez manipulate the machines for a Pelosi victory. What better way to keep the White House in four years than a Democratic house under the wicked witch of the west. To bad when Dorothy dropped the house it landed on her sister instead of Pelosi.

  2. Ha ha. Too funny. Bush finally makes a good move. Called it in this thread. Rumsfeld was totally incompetent and should have listened to Powell and numerous others who called for more troops at the beginning of the war.
    P.S. Go Steele! You can still win blue dood!! Never surrender. Keep waving those blue banners, wearing blue and driving the big blue bus. You will fool all those dumb Democrats into thinking you are won of them and WIN. Ha ha! Steele’s fake blue campaign and refusal to concede has become a measure of outstanding patheticness that we shall all remember forever.

  3. capt america wrote what i just thought (i just logged on, OK). in his “retirement” Rumsfeld won’t be shackled by stringent conduct “rules” for members of the cabinet…
    freelance strangling and “raaaarr-ing”, call Rummy!

  4. Well, I did predict that Rummy would leave earlier today (just to be fair to me!)
    I thought it would be a backdoor deal with the Dems, but this is obviously a way to ensure confirmation before an unknown senate is seated in January.

  5. Yeah, he looks nice, but he knows 17 ways to kill ya’ with a Post-it note.
    Go CIA WO-O-O-OH!!!
    Rummy slimmed down DOD, maybe the next guy will make some of the entrenched old-school heads roll.

  6. FJ – After six years you get a couple of sparse lines and this guy gets wikified to the max 23 minutes after he’s nominated? Yeah…that’s about right.
    To the twaddling nutballs disparaging Rummy (above…and perhaps below) – He’ll always be a better man than you, you snivelling titweasels. …and one more thing…get a job and a haircut, not necessarily in that order…a bath wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

  7. I volunteer my old man for the job as replacement.
    What we need in there is a lifelong Republican and retired Master Chief with experience in three wars and Covert Ops.
    He would straighten out Congress in short order…

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