
I’m tired of these annual President Pardons The Turkey headlines.
I don’t want to turn on the news and see a president pardoning a turkey.
I don’t even want to see him pardon two turkeys.
This is a former Texas governor. He should never, ever offer clemency to the condemned.
I want to see Bush heft up an axe and bring it down on the neck of the turkey, killing that suck dead for his crimes against society.

Then he should pass the mashed potatoes.


  1. Ok. That tears it! He’s spent WAAAAY too much time in D.C.
    If he was still back here in Texas he would have a bib around his neck and a hickory-handle carving knife in his hand when they put that turkey in front of him.
    He’s soft on illegal immigration reform.
    He’s pro-internationalization. (is that a word?)
    Now he’s pardoning turkeys.
    What’s next? Backing out of funding the military’s plans to put frickin’ lasers on frickin’ sharks to appease PETA?!!
    Impeach the %$#@&*, I just dont’ care anymore.

  2. All joking aside, I hope you, Laurence, FrankJ, SarahK, RWD, SpaceMonkey, and all your loved ones have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving! You guys always make me laugh here on the blog and in the podcast. Keep up the good work!
    God bless!

    That is one of the best compliments I have ever received. Alas, I am not in the armed services, as I was rejected way back in the eighties due to asthma and allergies. I know I would probably be a much better person today had I been allowed to serve.
    My grandpa was Army Air Force (Test pilot, Stateside, WWII) and my step-grandpa was Army (Infantry, ETO, WWII, and Japan occupation). I am so proud of them.
    Are you in the service?
    God bless – Paul

  4. No, I wound up in a similar predicament when I tried to enlist mid 90’s. But I too had one grandfather who served in the Navy during the 2nd world war.
    My other grandfather spent three years in a Japanese prison camp during the same war & was liberated by the Marines.
    He once said the most beautiful words he ever heard were the Marines yelling at the POW’s to “Get down, you sons a bitches!” during their liberation, machine guns flaring at their Japanese captors.
    I always wish I could’ve served my country and honor those who came before.

  5. I need everyone to tell the truth. with all the turkey pardoning, one or two a year for the past 70 years or so, how many are in that “farm” they send them to? I offer a great prize to the winner( not autherized to give any thing)

  6. Someone explain this to me:
    Libs don’t mind seeing westerners getting their heads cut off by crazed jihadists, but somehow a turkey giving up his life for WHAT HE WAS BRED TO DO is a problem?
    This place is becoming crazier by the day.
    Some traditions have become obsolete. Let ’em die.

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