The Chronicles of Dubya is so good it made Frank sick!

We received the proof for the new book from NTM Publishing, The Chronicles of Dubya Volume 1 etc. etc., today. The book is so great that it made Frank J. sick! He’s now in bed with the flu or a stomach virus that came with a 101 degree fever (or temperature – I guess it’s only a 2.4 degree fever). Personally, I think he’s just avoiding my mom’s side of the family – the Ks must have worn him out.
But you know what would make Frank feel better? You buying lots of copies of our new book! We’re so proud of it, especially now that we’ve seen it.
The books start shipping in early December, so order yours now to get them in time for Christmas!


  1. Frank J. is a published author now? Like what’s-his-name over at NRO?
    shakes fist
    Oh, I really hate you now, Frnak.
    When they ask you how they can become like you Frank J., you tell em, “sure, you want to be what I am. Are you willing to go through what I went through to be me”?
    Leave out the stuff about the wedding, I’m pretty sure most of em would say “uh, yeah” to that stuff.
    Merry Christmas if I don’t mind stepping on a few PC toes snooping around here. MERRY CHRISTMAS I SAY!
    ps. I still expect the first child to be named Dave in Texas. On account of the italian dinner.
    You can make “in Texas” a middle name if you want. I’m cool with that.
    If it’s a girl you’re on your own. I was with mine.

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