Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Ms. Botz is one of the A.K.A.’s of The Babysitter Bandit
2) What does Barney use for a coffee table in his apartment?
3) In “Bart Gets Famous”, Homer says he’d like to smack which little snot?
4) Who is officially credited for providing the voice of Lisa’s substitute teacher, Mr. Bergstrom?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. 1) True (Voiced by Penny Marshall)
    2) A stack of pizza boxes?
    3) Milhaus. (I would, anyway)
    4) Well, it was Dustin Hoffman, but he used the pseudonym “Sam Etic.” Get it? semetic! Because he’s a JOOOOOOO!

  2. 1) true…
    2) one of those wooden cable spool things… not being someone who works with those particular items, the term of art escapes me, but its one of those cable spool things…
    3) Steve Urkel would be said little snot…
    4) Sam Etic
    for the 9 billionth time i think i know all of these… beotch!

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