Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Evil Jack is Springfield’s most famous daredevil
2) After seeing a daredevil perform, Bart decides to jump over what on his skateboard?
3) How much does Bart get for his blood down on Skid Row?
4) Who is credited for writing the movie that Burns enters into the film competition?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. 1) False, its Lance Murdoch
    2) Springfield Gorge (homer went over instead, with HILARIOUS consequences)
    3) $12 (twelve big ones and free grub to boot, viva skid row!)
    4) weren’t there like 20 names? I know that Senor Spielbergo directed it (Speilberg’s non-union mexican counterpart), but i thought they did that rapid scroll thing for the writers

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