You Know What Was the Worst Part of Rummy Resigning?

President Bush couldn’t pick any better time to give a stupid boring speech about Rummy and his super-happy-fun replacement than during the 3:00-4:00 hour.
Hey, Mr. President, could you do me a favor and interrupt The View or Oprah for once? Leave General Hospital alone!

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  1. Rudy? Rudy is a liberal! LIBERAL! L-I-B-E-R-A-L!!! That’s why we got our ass handed to us last night…we have been acting like LIBERALS – we need CONSERVATIVES running the party! Are there any left?

  2. sarahk – Uuuuuuuummm. It’s alright, Dear. …and…errr…I hate to bring it up…but…don’t you have a book to edit…or something? …and how are we going to have the annaul IMAO monkey-face-punching convention/shoot-off/barbeque if you don’t start booking meeting rooms? April will be here sooner than you can imagine. Those books and T-shirts don’t sell themselves! Chop! Chop!

  3. But… Without Rumsfeld who will plan the slaugter of all those in need of death? Who will, through sheer force of will, crush those weak military leaders like Admiral Piett? Who will finish strangling the press?
    This more then anything else signals the end times.

  4. Brain, I’m sorry to tell you, you haven’t thought this through. With having to spend less time growling at retarded reporters and trying to run the war, Rummy will have more time to go out and strangle. You wait and see if Aunt Nancy doesn’t turn up purple faced, bug-eyed, and foamy mouthed…without having given a speech first.

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