Humor Digest

I gathered together all the humor I found in all the other blogs nominated for the Best Humor Blog Award and am quoting it here. So you can judge for yourself who has teh funny.

But wait, there’s more.

There you have it. I think I was pretty comprehensive but if I missed anything please let me know.
Actually a couple of the other nominees are actually kinda funny. But I obviously can’t endorse them. I want to live.
Vote for IMAO. Your life just might depend on it. I know mine does.
Update: Who’s winning? Some scrapplyfaced otter. Is IMAO in second? Sadly, not any more.

The Voting is On!!

If you vote for us today, we’ll gladly give you some funny tomorrow.
We’re nominated for Best Humor Blog
Don’t laugh. That’s not a joke.
I mean, laugh, because THAT’S funny.
No. Wait.
(Ducky sits down to think this one through.)
Never mind. Go and VOTE NOW.
You can only vote once a day and this year I think we’re good enough to get more votes than the 403 Error message page. (Stupid error page and it’s impeccable delivery)

IMAO on the Radio

It’s not a podcast, but I’ll be on the Passionate America Show with Wild Bill tomorrow at 5pm ET. You can find a link to listen live at his site. I don’t know what I’ll be talking about but I figure I’ll mention my book. I probably should come up with some sound bites about the Iraq Study Group…

Happy Pearl Harbor Day

Just a reminder, today is the anniversary of when Pearl Harbor was attacked. We responded to this attack on American soil by the Japanese by declaring war with Germany. Eventually the public whined so much about it that we gave up and thus Germany is still around today.

Chronicles of Dubya Controversy

I would just like to state that the details of a researcher quitting over the publication of my book as reported by Confederate Yankee are not entirely accurate. We wish Dr. Stein the best.

In My World: The Capture of the Rumsfeld Strangler


Detective Ian Competent shined a bright light into Donald Rumsfeld’s eyes. “So how many people have you strangled to death?”
Rumsfeld rubbed his knuckles. “Apparently not enough.”
Detective Competent slammed his hands down on the table. “You think this is funny?!”
“I don’t ever think anything is funny,” Rumsfeld answered. “Laughing is for homosexuals.”
“Well you won’t be homosexual over this.” Detective Competent threw some photos of people strangled to death down in front of Rumsfeld. “Do you recognize these?”
Rumsfeld adjusted his glasses and looked at the photos. “Yes. These are the photos I sent you of the people I strangled. I wanted to make sure you knew who strangled them because I don’t want someone else taking credit from my stranglings. That would just mean more people to strangle.”
“Don’t try and talk your way out of this one!” Detective Competent shouted. “We have evidence you strangled these people! Diplomats, hippies, French people – all dead because of you!”
Rumsfeld yawned. “Now you’re just quoting my resume. I thought we were clear on all this? I usually came in and told you guys who I was going to strangle before hand to once again make sure no one take credit for my stranglings.” Rumsfeld got angry. “Is someone taking credit for my strangling?!”
Detective Competent laughed. “I bet you never thought we’d figure it out.”
“What’s to figure out? I left you guys notes and everything so you wouldn’t waste time on this.”
Detective Competent stared Rumsfeld right in the eyes. “Do you know what the punishment is for mass murderers in Washington D.C.?”
Rumsfeld thought for a moment. “I think it’s a fifteen dollar fine.”
“Wrong!” Detective Competent slammed his fists down on the table. “In an effort to crack down on murder sprees, the fine has been increased to forty dollars.” He paused for a second. “Of course, the law change isn’t retroactive, and since your murderers predate it, I guess your fine is still fifteen dollars.” He shrugged. “So, yeah, I guess you’re right; it’s fifteen dollars. Sorry for the outburst.”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld burst to his feet. “I’m not paying that! Everyone I strangled deserved it!”
“If you don’t pay your fine, it’s prison for you! And then you can strangle rocks all day! Now, another question: You know anything about the kids disappearing in your neighborhood? We thought that would stop when we took you in, but, well…” He chuckled. “Whoops! Wrong again. Can’t get them all right… or even most of them.”
“That’s my dog, Chomps,” Rumsfeld said. “If not watched, he eats whiny little children. If watched, he eats less of them.”
“Oh.” Detective Competent thought about that. “Guess we can’t do anything about it; it’s not like laws apply to dogs. Anyway, I’m going to go talk to the press, and you can wait here and think about what you did.” He left the interrogation room and locked the door.
Rumsfeld flexed his hands. “I’d rather think about what I’m going to do.”

“I, Ian Competent, the greatest Detective ever, have succeeded where other’s failed and captured the Rumsfeld Strangler,” Detective Competent told the press. “I’m sure I’ll get the Medal of Honor or something for this. Make it clear to everyone that I’m open to negotiations for a book deal.”
A police officer ran forward. “Donald Rumsfeld has escaped! He strangled the lock open!”
“What?! Where was did he go?”
“I think he passed through here.”
Detective Competent noticed that all the reporters had been strangled. “Dang it!”

“President Bush, you may be interested to know that an APB has been put out for Donald Rumsfeld and his angry dog too,” Tony Snow said. “The orders are to shoot to kill.”
President Bush chuckled. “That’s wacky Rumsfeld. I knew he’d keep himself busy even without being Secretary of Defense anymore. Well, I hope the new guy will do well. What did Rummy call him again?”
“A ‘fruit.'”
Bush laughed again. “He was always accusing everyone of being homosexuals. I’ll miss that.” Bush held up the Iraq Study Group report. “Did you see this, Snowman? We have our plan to win!”
“Uh… did you actually read that?”
“No. I don’t… you know… read things. Why? What’s it say?”
“It’s a plan to withdraw from Iraq,” Tony explained. “It also calls for talks with Syria and Iran to help with Iraq.”
Bush tossed the study. “Was that the ‘Iraq Study Group’ or the ‘Crack Smoking Group’? We should make a new group with people who actually like to win wars. You think we can find some of them?”
Tony sighed. “Yeah; maybe.”
“Maybe I’ll just do my own study group with my GI Joe action figures,” Bush mused. “They never give up in their battle with the dreaded Cobra.”
“Unfortunately, I think that’s your best idea so far this year, sir.”
“If I include the Transformers in this study group, do I need to include both the Autobots and the Decepticons to make it bipartisan?”
Tony was about to respond, but then his cell phone rang and he answered it.
“What is it?” Bush asked.
Tony put away his phone. “Apparently, every member of the Iraq Study Group has been strangled.”
“That’s odd. Do you think the murders are related?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “It crossed my mind. I’m going to go talk to the press and then cry myself to sleep.”
“Have fun!” When Tony left, Bush opened the drawer on his desk that contained his action figures and rummaged through them. “I need to find Admiral Ackbar; he’ll know what to do.”


We now have boxes of books which means I have to get to all the signing so we can start shipping those out. I’ve never done autographs before, so I think I’ll practice on some paper before potentially ruining a book. Plus, I need to get my self-portrait down (example seen here). Anyway, all who ordered should have there book out real soon; I can’t wait to get these in your hands so you can show them around so every knows how mind-blowingly awesome they are.
Though it will be more work for me, you can order a signed copy here or multiple copies of the book to give out as the best gift ever. The book will eventually be available on and other book sites, but it won’t be until after Christmas and I’ll get less money from you buying from there.
I like more money.
BTW, I’m working on an In My World™ to wrap up the story of Rumsfeld. I was having trouble with it, but I’m just going to go ahead and write a little something. Nothing could quite measure up to the send off he deserves.


I appreciate all the kind words and offers of condolences since my Papaw went Home.
I never heard him tell a joke, but he always had a certain wit about him. He used to tell people to look at his dog, a particular black Lab if I remember, and say “now tell me if that dog doesn’t look just like Burt Reynolds?” I believe he actually thought it did. I never saw the resemblance aside from the mustache and dark hair.
He had a way with people too. Even though he was a little old feeble man he still had the strength to lift you up when you needed it. He was a good man who left a legacy of an actual good Christian example and all that entails. His light shone 24/7.
Things I do my best to emulate.
Hundreds came to pay their respects, quite a statement in a rural Alabama county of only a few thousand.
He’ll be missed.

He could save saved a lot of paper by just printing JEWS!

James “F- The Jews” Baker III goes back to his old habits, reads the memos from his in-house Syrians at the Baker Institute at Rice University, and slips in their wet-dream: linking the Iraq War with the Israeli-Palestinian/Israeli-Syria/Israeli-Hezbollah/Israel-Arab/Israeli-Islam/Israeli-UN/Israeli-Pat Robertson conflict.
Of course, James Baker is too much of a veteran politician to play his whole hand in this document. I mean, you slip a little something in, nudge the lines in the sand a little this time, then nudge them again.. and again.. and again…
Here are some of the things James Baker didn’t link the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to that he wished he could have:

  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is preventing humanity from finding a cure for AIDS” – According to leading academics in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Gaza, Turkey, France, Malaysia, Pakistan, and London – Jews spread AIDS as a part of their biological warfare plan against the Western World. Heck, they invented it, right?
    On the other hand, Palestinians would be learning biochemistry and medicine in Beir Zeit and Al-Quds University instead of making explosives and rockets if they had their own country. That country would be a shining beacon for medical research, attracting doctors and researchers from across the globe. Curing AIDS would be just the first step – they’d also cure cancer, diabetes, and the rift between Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth.
  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to blame for the American and European obesity epidemic” – With too many Jews around, there’s too many Jewish mothers telling their kids “Eat, eat! You need to eat something!”
    But if the Palestinians are allowed to wipe the Jews off of the face of the earth, no more Jewish mothers stuffing the faces of children around the world. Lots of healthy, lean kids out there. Maybe they’ll get some exercise with their burning rocks and leaping through flaming hoops, too?
  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to blame for the decline in quality in Hollywood’s movies.” – Two words: Stephen Spielberg.
    Without all that Jew money propping him up, we’d be getting great epics like “Jenin, Jenin” sweeping the Oscars. Maybe we’d see a Gucci or Vera Wang suicide bomber vest going down the red carpet worn by Susan Sarandon, making a beeline to martyr herself on Joan and Melissa Rivers.
  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is raising oil prices.” – You see, Jews like Chinese food. So they buy all that food from China. China’s economy grows as a result, but the Jews demand more food because Jews always want more. Tthey become industrialized to provide that food to Jews. The demand for fuel to drive that economy goes up, which then makes China compete with America in the energy markets. That drives up the price oil oil everywhere.
    But on the other hand, Palestinians just eat from bags of UN food aid. That comes from America, so wiping out the Jews would collapse the Chinese economy and boost the American economy. Yay, America! Boo Jews!
  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the root cause of global warming, climate change, and rising ocean levels.” – All those Jews, lighting their menorahs at once! Such pollution! Over eight days, too! If Palestinians are allowed to obliterate Jewish holy places, Hanukkah would end as a major holiday and there would be much less burning… well, unless you count all those cars in France being burned by angry Muslim youths.
  • “The failure to come up with a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is why the Oakland Raiders suck.” – Art Shell’s black. And you know how Jews treat black people. Just look at Michael Richards, who claims to be Jewish because… um… he grew up around Jews. And because I grew up with a pet dog, that makes me a dog, too. Arf! Arf!
    Wiping out the Jewish ownership of NFL teams and handing it over to Palestinian ownership would return respect to the league. Of course, it wouldn’t work for baseball, because all it would take is one suicide squeeze and there’s be lawsuits. (“Fans should be alert for baseballs, bats, and shrapnel leaving the field of play and going into the stands.”)

See?Look at all of that… so much the world is missing out on!
Isn’t it obvious by now that…

Continue reading ‘He could save saved a lot of paper by just printing JEWS!’ »

Lose Lose Lose – The New Theme for America

I dunno, I just don’t see us winning in Iraq at this point with about everyone dead set against us staying and winning (of all the bad things you can say about John McCain, he’s one of the very few deadest on winning). It’s all becoming a question of when we pull out. Then, focus we’ll go back to Afghanistan and we’ll flee there. Then, America will be effectively neutered and we’ll never have the will to win another war. Eventually, the Statue of Liberty will be blown up and then the apes will take over… which will be a lot better than being ruled by the Muslims.
While waiting for doom, the only thing left to do is assign blame. So who do you blame for us losing in Iraq? I blame my brother. He actually fought over there and I can only surmise he didn’t do a very good job at it. It’s like how I blame my father for us losing in Vietnam.
I shouldn’t just blog about losing, though. People come to IMAO to be happy. I should blog about something happy, like bunnies. They’re tasty.

The Cost of Blogging

Many of you may wonder why IMAO has so many ads and is always trying to sell you t-shirts and books and kidneys (subject to availability). That’s because blogging is actually a costly effort. Also, I am not a rich man in any way. I currently have one dollar in my wallet and SarahK won’t let me have anymore money. Hence the ads to raise money so we can continue to blog and I can continue to pay my mortgage so I can live in a house while blogging. Anyway, here are the many different costs involved in bringing you “teh funny” on a near weekly basis:
* Website Hosting: We actually have to pay money so a company has the privilege of hosting IMAO. And, they’re always yelling at us for using too much bandwidth and then shutting off our ability to accept comments. Thus, it’s kinda hard for us to argue we should get hosting for free.
* Taxes: IMAO is part of an actual corporation now, which means the government is always looking over our shoulder on our spending asking, “Why are you paying for that? Is that really a business expense? Why don’t you just give that money to us?” And do you know how much the Social Security boondoggle costs if your employer isn’t paying half of it for you? About half of every dollar that goes to IMAO goes to the government who then gives it to the unemployed so they’re able to blog all day long.
* Legal Defense: Inevitably, someone is going to notice one of our many copyright violations, and then we’ll get sued. I could have Cadet Happy be our lawyer, but do I really want to put my life in the hands of someone who would probably use a court case as just another opportunity to make me look gay?
* Ham: Since we’re supportive of two countries that annoy terrorists – America and Israel – we have to be wary of terrorist attacks. That means protecting everything involving IMAO by gluing ham to it. That’s not cheap. We could use Spam, but some terrorists may risk touching something that isn’t guaranteed to actually have any pork in it.
* Rugby Scrum Cap: SarahK has seizures. Right now, it’s just tingling and with no loss of muscle control, but I figure I better get her a helmet just like the one the girl in Garden State wore to be on the safe side. Otherwise, she could injure herself while working and then I’m back to needing legal defense. Plus, I think she’d look cute in a helmet.
* Kung Fu Lessons: The way this new media is developing, it’s quite certain we will have to one day challenge another group blog to a kung fu fight. Right now, though, our kung fu is weak. The other day when SarahK was mouthing off to me, I was barely even able to throw her across the room (another reason she needs the helmet). Were we to lose in a kung fu match with another blog, no one would ever read us again. Thus, we all need kung fu lessons which are expensive unless you find some Japanese maintenance guy for your apartment who takes pity on you. But he’ll probably make you do tons of chores and always put “san” after your name until one day you just snap and punch him in the face but then he’ll punch you back even harder since he’s got the skillz. Thus, it’s probably better to pay for lessons.
* Wives: All the IMAO bloggers are married, and you know how wives are. I’m always like, “We have lots of blog expenses.” And SarahK is like, “I don’t care! Buy me something pretty!”
* Research and Development: Anyone who reads IMAO for any length of time will notice there is a specific pattern to my humor. I’m hoping to develop software that emulates that pattern and all I would need to do is input a topic and it would spit out a humor post. This would increase IMAO posting and also allow me to save money by firing all the other bloggers (who could be emulated in software as well). While this would be a cost saving measure, it takes a good deal of money to invest to see it through. While it’s easy to kidnap children in foreign countries to make shoes for you, it’s harder to find kids who know how to program software algorithms. I blame the educational system of third world countries. I also blame the Jews.
As you can see, blogging is a costly operation, so it’s either lots of ads or we do a fundraising drive. If we did the latter, somehow I don’t see us raising $80,000 like Andrew Sullivanist. So click on the ads and buy my book and buy stuff from CafePress and we’ll continue to occasionally write humor posts. Otherwise, I’ll end up homeless and crazy, and you don’t want that because I’ll be heavily armed and out for revenge. How many state troopers will it take to bring me down? And you know that expense will come right back to you in the form of taxes. So basically you have the option of paying for IMAO now or later.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Homer bunks at an insane asylum with a guy who thinks he’s Boy George
2) What is the name of Ned Flanders’ specialty store?
3) Why do Homer and Bart have to work at the carnival?
4) Scott Christian hosts what segment of the news?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.