Simon says Santa’s getting a fatwah…

Ask Santa to draw a cartoon of Mohammed.
“Smack Cindy Sheehan”
“Get linked by Glenn Reynolds”
“Burn a koran”
“Give FrankJ a monkey”
“Convert to Islam”
“Nuke the moon”
Even More:
“Can I put up a menorah?”
“Do you miss Peter Boyle”
“Does Nancy Pelosi make you want to vomit?”
“Did you get your hand cut off in Mecca?”
“Would you do Courtney Love?”

I’m the Best!

Sorry not to blog much today, but I’ve been busy. Anyway, I’m still working on the new Best of IMAO 2006 (Hellbender excluded) category. Basically I’ve been tagging anything I think is still funny, thus putting all worthwhile posts from the last year into one place (so far I’ve gone through all my posts up until the end of June). I’ve told the other IMAO bloggers to look through their stuff and do the same (and they better do it! ::shakes fist::). Later, I’ll work on the other years and then there will be a couple convient pages if you want to waste hours and hours reading all the funny stuff from IMAO.

And now, a public service announcement…

Strokes often lead to brain damage.

Is there going to be a Christmas episode of the IMAO Podcast?

Well, we all remember last year. FrankJ and SarahK were busy with their wedding plans and honeymoon and crap like that, so they left the Christmas Episode stuff up to the token Jew of the site.
The reviews were… um… mixed. I think “It didn’t suck!” kinda sticks out among them all.
It’s 2006, and once again, Frank and Sarah are busy with their new book and something to do with not eating gluten, so it’s up to the token Jew to throw things together again.
“It doesn’t suck!” is going to be so hard to top. Especially with my Podcat kinda… dead.
We’ll see if we can pull things off. In fact, I’m sure this post will come as a surprise to a few of the IMAO bloggers/podcasters, even though I just sent out the mail an hour ago. (Check your email, Ducky! Harvey! Kevin! Monkey! Aquaman!)
In the meantime, if you really want to motivate me into get this thing wired down and produced in time for you to have audio of IMAO Podcasters dancing through your heads on Christmas Evem, why not check out my latest creation at Pickle Tales called “War Of The Worlds” ?
Remember – it’s the Season Of Giving. And we Jews gave birth to Jesus on Christmas. We didn’t kill him until right before Easter, okay? (And it’s not like he stayed dead.)

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I’ll Say It.

The fun is starting early. This is what the new face of intelligence will look like with the Loonies running the asylum in DC.
Background: Rep. Reyes is Pelosi’s pick to head House Intelligence Committee
Source: RealClearPolitics

Toward the end of a 40 minute interview, Mr. Stein asked Rep. Reyes whether al Qaeda was comprised chiefly of Sunni Muslims, or Shiites. “Predominantly — probably Shiite,” he responded.

Congresscritter Reyes, you don’t know Shiite from Sunni-ola.
Ok, I feel better.

If You Had to Pick: Sunni or Shiite?

I realize a lot of people don’t know the difference between Sunnis and Shiites – I only have a vague understanding – so I’m going to do some research and make an FAQ on the subject. Dean Barnett did an FAQ yesterday, but he only focused on how those differences as they affect things today. I want to delve a bit deeper to give people a better understanding of the two sides because I know many of you are like “I wouldn’t convert to Islam even if my life was threatened!” but is it a Sunni or a Shiite you’re refusing to become? It would probably be helpful to know.

These people want to join the EU?

Turkey wants to join the European Union, but they continue to behave like… well, savages…

A group of Turkish aviation technicians were so happy to be rid of the last of a batch of troublesome planes that they sacrificed a camel on the tarmac of Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport.

In fact, there are a few Turks who realize that this behavior is not compatible with that of the European Union and its high standards of moral behavior:

“This is a grave incident. Is it compatible with the image of a modern Turkey, trying to enter the EU?,” said opposition lawmaker Huseyin Guler on Wednesday.

I’m sure cultural elites among the French are aghast and disgusted at such barbaric behavior… why can’t they just sacrifice cars and attack Jews like the civilized Muslims in France?

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Bart’s soap box racer was named Li’l Pathfinder
2) What was Martin’s soap box racer named?
3) According to Moe, he cheats at what game?
4) In “I Married Marge”, what comes free with a Barnacle Bill’s Home Pregnancy Test?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.