War of the Words

Make sure to check out Lair’s spoof of the Orson Welles War of the Worlds radio drama. He’s in a competition at Podcast Pickle and his production (the writing, voice work, and sound mixing) totally rock the other entrants and yet he’s losing in the voting right now. So also register and vote for his work. If he wins, you may get an IMAO podcast before the end of the year.
Support you local IMAO podcaster!
Go team Hellbender!
BTW, be smart like Lair’s cat.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Too Crazy Even for Danny Bonaduce

Wow. I’ve never seen one of those moron truthers handled so adeptly… and by Danny Bonaduce of all people!
Really satisfying to watch, but there is a language warning (bleeped out though… plus Bonaduce gives the warning himself):

(via Hot Air)

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who is the school band instructor and music teacher?
2) What color is Ralph’s belt buckle?
3) In the weekly opening sequence, what instruments are Sherri and Terri playing in the school band?
4) What did the Springfield Stadium used to be?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

CAIR Controversy Conclusion

The newspaper Hernando Today did a story on the Right Wing Howler being shut down by CAIR and includes a few quote from me about the editorial in question and CAIR. Seems to be a pretty balanced article and kudos to the reporter for doing some actual research on the subject (compare it to the article in the Hernando Times).
Also, Vilmar has a statement up where his site used to be announcing his retirement from blogging (planned before this incident) and asking people not to be to harsh on his service provider.
I’m not sure if there is some big lesson to learn from this. This site is hosted by Hosting Matters who hosts some of the most controversial blogs such as Little Green Footballs, so I’m not worried about something similar happening with this site. I guess my one worry would be someone selectively quoting IMAO in a news article without context, as that would make it pretty easy to make us look worse than Hitler. And we’re not worse than Hitler. We’re much nicer, really. Plus, we hate the German people and all their descendants.

in the dog house . . . AGAIN . . .
