Cat Attack!

I was in the middle of making a special autograph in The Chronicles of Dubya book for Mary Katharine Ham (who is currently in the middle of the Espicopal Church breakup) when my stupid gray monkey cat freaked out for no reason and pounced the two of us. I hope MKH will appreciate that her book autograph will be the only one with an official cat claw mark of approval.
Rowdi never freaks out for no reason. Dogs only freak out for good reasons, such as an overturned trashcan across the street that she’s never seen before.

Cooking with Bloggers

There’s a new cookbook out with recipes taken from blogs (SarahK is big on recipe trading). It happens to include a forward by Glenn Reynolds, cover art by Cox & Forkum, and Glenn Reynolds’s secret smoothie recipe (with some contribution by me in that area).
Check it out!

Fun Facts About South Dakota

While the IMAO podcast is still MIA, I’m going to keep posting the latest uncut Fun Facts About The 50 States – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
(continued in extended entry)

Continue reading ‘Fun Facts About South Dakota’ »

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Big Bob is the name of the traffic reporter that flies in a helicopter
2) What kind of poster can be seen in Lisa’s room?
3) In the weekly opening sequence, who’s walking a little dog?
4) What hangs on the front of Rev. Lovejoy’s pulpit?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.