if you can only buy one book this x-mas . . .

. . . make sure you get this one:
it just came out, and i’m through the first few chapters, and it is great — yes, you can get most of the content over at www.lifehacker.com (the only website I read every day), but i really like the book form — lots of tips for the productivity challenged technogeek– it’s only $16.49 at amazon
if you can only buy two books, also get: Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life by David Allen

Doing the Work Arrested Illegal Immigrants Won’t Do

261 illegal immigrants working at a meat packing plant were arrested, and now numerous unemployed Americans are applying for the jobs.
Uh-oh; a story like this really sucks for one side of the illegal immigration debate. Someone better make sure it doesn’t get legs.
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)

IMAO Exclusive: Correction to Time’s “Person of the Year”

Time has corrected the erroneous ‘Person of the Year” story and fake cover with the following.
Time knew ‘ewe’ would link to it, since Time thought it could convince ‘ewe’ that ‘ewe’ were somehow more than a nobody. Ewe who linked proved them correct because ewe sheeple are a bunch of suckers.
-Thanks to Cadet Happy for help with the graphic.

Patriot Xeno Now Extra Patriotic!

Congratulations goes to Patriot Xeno who was in the same OCS class as my brother and is also now an officer in the Marines. He also wins the “Become An Officer in the Marines and Get a Free Copy of My Book” contest.
Of course, being an officer in the military will hamper his blogging since he now has limits on his political speech. Then again, he gets to kill people.
God speed to him and my brother, as it’s only beginning for them.

This Settles It

According to The Washington Times, my editorial about killing all Arab children was a satire… or at least “satirical.” If the MSM says so, I don’t want some little pajamas-wearing blogger to declare otherwise.
And kudos to the Times for mentioning the book. The whole point of this was to get the book mentioned, something CAIR failed to do.
(hat tip to reader Keith)

Oh great. Now Frank will blame everything on the Jewish Cabal.

Judith Regan, the ex-publisher who thought it would be a great idea to pay a murderer millions of dollars in advance for a book “confessing” to his murders, apparently thought that the problems she was having were all the fault of

“‘Of all people, the Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie,'” Ms. Regan said, according to the notes Mr. Jackson made as the conversation unfolded; the notes were provided by Gary Ginsberg, an executive vice president of News Corporation.
According to the notes, Ms. Regan then said that the literary agent Esther Newberg; HarperCollins’ executive editor, David Hirshey; HarperCollins’ president, Jane Friedman; and Mr. Jackson “constitute a Jewish cabal against her.”

That’s right. A Jewish Cabal.
Or was it?

A lawyer for Ms. Regan, Bert Fields, denied Monday that she had said there was a “Jewish cabal against her,” saying that she had used only the word “cabal” in the conversation, and that was done in response to Mr. Jackson’s using the word in a question to her. But Mr. Fields acknowledged that during the heated conversation by phone last Friday, she had made some version of the first statement, drawing attention to the fact that her boss and others involved in the controversy over the aborted O. J. Simpson project were Jewish.

So it was just a cabal… an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, everyday cabal that you’d find most anywhere, like at a dice game in the alley or swiping tables from sidewalk cafes.
Not that there’s anything wrong with accusing a group of Jews stopping you from paying a murderer millions of dollars in advance to write a book “confessing” to his murders, mind you.
After all, her hired legal representative doesn’t think so, right?

He denied, though, that this reflected any anti-Semitism. “There is nothing insulting to Jewish people in saying that Jews should particularly understand what it is to be victims of the big lie,” Mr. Fields said. “They were looking for an excuse to fire her, and they fired her, and called it anti-Semitic. It ain’t anti-Semitic.”

So calling a group of Jews stopping you from paying a murder millions of dollars in advance to write a book “confessing” to his murders isn’t anti-Semitic?
I guess then it’s anti-Semitic if you actually call them a Jewish cabal out-and-out, right?

And, Mr. Fields said, even if she had said “Jewish cabal,” that would not have been anti-Semitic. “I want to make it clear that had she said it, even that is not an anti-Semitic remark,” he said. “Had she said it, I wouldn’t be offended, as a Jew.”

Well, I’m glad that’s settled to your satisfaction, Chief Rabbi Fields. Let’s go ahead and just shut down the ADL and Museum of Tolerance now that we’ve set the bar so low based on your wisdom.
Me, I’m so glad that sheeny shyster isn’t disturbed by the term “Jewish Cabal” or other formerly anti-Semitic slurs. Now people like him can join the rest of us in focusing on sniffing for gold with our gigantic schnozz, stealing Arab babies to drain them for their blood, and inventing crack and AIDS to thin out the black population.
Of course, now that “Jewish Cabal” isn’t considered an anti-Semitic term, we’re going to be hearing a whole lot more of it, and we’d better be prepared for it.
I mean, just around here, I keep hearing “That dumb Jewish cabal keeps sneaking gluten in my food” and “I wish that Jewish cabal would stop using up our bandwidth quota” and “Oh, great… we’re stuck watching the Dolphins… who programs this schedule, a Jewish cabal?” or “Why am I having to publish my great book through NTM Publishing… is a Jewish cabal keeping me from talking to the big-time publishing houses?”
Now if only we could free up that n-word the blacks stole from us. (We Jews invented that one, too, you know. Should have never let the trademark expire on that thing.)

“Frank J., Stop Making Fun of the Retarded Kids!”

Someone should pass on my previous post to those monkeys pounding away at typewriters at Pandagon to see if can write a few thousand pages on whether it’s Swiftian satire or further proof I want to kill all Muslim children.
BTW, I think one could live a thousand life times and still not have enough time to properly ridicule Jimmy Carter.

Originally, the Foreword Was to Be Written by David Duke, But He Didn’t Want to Be Associated with Such a Loser

A lot of people like me who defended Mel Gibson when The Passion of the Christ and answered charges of anti-Semetism against him with, “That’s simply propaganda of the dirty joooos!” felt pretty foolish when we found out that Gibson really is an anti-Semite. With Jimmy Carter, it was a bit different. I always knew he was the human embodiment of failure and so dumb he should probably wear a helmet at all times, but I just didn’t expect anti-Semite. He was just supposed to be that loveable moron we like to pick on, not evil. So, I am surprised to see him ranting about Jewish organization trying to keep him and his new book down and how “university campuses with high Jewish enrollment” (apparently his new bugaboo) won’t let him speak.
So, do you think he actually researches the enrollment of colleges or just exclaims, “It must be because they’re full of joooos!” when he’s refused a speaking engagement?
I think the answer is pretty obvious.
Still, I should have seen the signs of Jimmy Carter being an anti-Semite even sooner. It ends up, the title of his book, Peace, Not Apartheid, comparing Palestinians murdering Jewish children to blacks being refused the vote in South Africa, was the least offensive of the titles he submitted. Just look at the ones that were rejected:
10. “If the Jews Really Want Peace, Why Won’t They All Just Die?”
9. “Throw the Jew Down the Well So the Palestinians Can Be Free”
8. “Peace, Not Nazi-Jew Bastards”
7. “I Know How the Palestinians Feel Because I Was Attacked and Raped by a Jew Rabbit”
6. “The Sea Is the Jews’ Actual Homeland and Why They Should All Should Return There by Pushing”
5. “The Jews Are Killing the Palestinians Just Like They Did Jesus”
4. “I’m Anti-Zionist, Not Anti-Semite, You Stupid Jew”
3. “There Would Be Peace in the Middle East if It Weren’t for University Campuses with High Jewish Enrollment”
2. “Buy This Book Before the Jews Steal All Your Money!”
And the number one rejected title to Carter’s book is…

Continue reading ‘Originally, the Foreword Was to Be Written by David Duke, But He Didn’t Want to Be Associated with Such a Loser’ »

Kofi’s Love Nest

Dear Yasser,
Damn that Claudia Rosett!
She discovered our private little love-nest on Roosevelt Island!
When Mark Malloch Brown handed me the New York Sun this morning, I thought he was joking. “I only read the New York Times and The Guardian,” I said.
“Read it,” he said.
And I did… all those things she dug up…
At least she didn’t uncover the crystal meth lab, the teenaged prostitute slave pens, and the mosque full of explosives.
Thank God I took your advice to put all the leases under “K Annan.” I mean, Kojo or Kobina or Kuku or Koko or Kookla or Kringle or Kingfisher all could have signed that lease, for all they know.
Of course, taking your advice on investing in Gaza, that’s another story. I swear, I couldn’t have wasted that money faster if I had burned it.
Disney built their new theme park in China, not Gaza, you old liar!
I guess that’s why I love you so much, even if you’re dead.
Anyway, I guess I’m going to have to give up our love-nest on Roosevelt Island now. Kobina’s going to dismantle the ceiling mirrors and the camcorders and the hot tub so I can take them back to the Ghana goat-farm. Kobina insists on keeping the jelly-fist collection, though.
Then there’s the matter of revenge against this Claudia vermin. At first, I wrote up a letter of condemnation, but that wasn’t enough, so I had it translated into the five official languages of the organization before shredding all the copies.
I yelled for the commander of peacekeeping forces that I wanted to have her killed, or at least roughed up.
“Sorry,” he said, “all of our best murderers, rapists, and thieves are already deployed in Haiti and Congo. We haven’t one to spare.”
“Not one?” I asked.
“Well, we do have a few left over that we were going to send to the Golan,” he said.
“We can’t spare those,” I said. “I’d been planning a crime spree among the Jewish wineries there.”
I’d drilled the thugs for the Golan myself – they were going to stomp the Jews and yell “Now you know how your oppression feels to the occupied grapes of this Islamic Holy Land!”
I think I’m just going to switch license plates with her and make her pay all the parking fines I’ve accumulated in the last twenty years.
When I last checked, she’ll need to dig up the GDP of Finland to get her license back.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who shot Mr. Burns?
2) In “Cape Feare”, who wrote the note “I kill you scum” to Bart?
3) In “Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington”, who is the Patriotism editor of Reading Digest?
4) The cat Snowball I was run over by what brand of car?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

The J’s: Wii Madness!

Click for full size.