Sixth Day Caption Contest

This photo was so disturbing on so many levels, I just had to open it up as a caption contest…

Put your best captions in the comments.
(By the way, follow the link. I don’t know which is more disturbing… the caption or the related story.)

Phrase of the Day

If the book don’t print, sue for a mint.”

Continue reading ‘Phrase of the Day’ »

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

Apparently, Polish lawmakers have way too much time on their hands.

Lawmakers have drawn up a resolution naming Jesus Christ as the honorary king of Poland, but have failed to win support from the country’s powerful Roman Catholic church.
Lawmakers for the ruling Law and Justice party and League of Polish Families as well as the opposition Peasants Party back the resolution, said Szymon Ruman, spokesman for parliamentary speaker Marek Jurek.
However, the proposal currently has the support of only 46 members in the 460-seat parliament, well short of the necessary 231 votes to pass. Ruman said the resolution would likely be voted on sometime after Jan. 1.
“Let parliament deal with passing better laws that we need,” Gdansk Archbishop Tadeusz Goclowski said.

Of course, this is the country that has to put the recipe for ice cubes in its Constitution to keep from forgetting it.

How About We Keep the “Ick” and Drop the “Democrat”

Did I miss something? Did we lose the last election but successfully turned the word “Democrat” into a slur? I see more and more liberals whining about people like Rush Limbaugh using “Democrat” as an adjective for a Democrat instead of “Democratic” (one example) because – I’m guessing – “Democrat” is now a huge slur against someone. If, on a political talk show, one of the guests is described as a Democrat, he’ll storm off the stage because of the huge offense.
Question: Are the ones complaining about Democrats being called Democrats the same ones who call Republicans “Repugs” or “Rethugs”?
Also, does whining about Democrats being called Democrats mean that liberals have completely run out of things to whine about?
Really, if I want to insult Democrats, I have much worse things to call them than “Democrats.”
Well, somewhat worse things.

Ask Dr. Duck: The Christmas Edition

The holiday season is here and I’m sure many of you are stressing out over finding just the right gifts. (Hint: Dr. Duck always prefers cash.)
Well, never fear, Dr. Duck is here to provide the one thing you need most in life – answers.
That’s right. I’ve got answers coming out my ears. My doctors said that they would heal up nicely in the next few days, but in the meantime, you can take advantage of those answers.
So what’s on your mind?
Holidays? Christmas? Hannaka? Kwanzaa?
Dr. Duck is here and ready to help. The answers are free *.
* Disclaimer: Initial out the door price is $249.00 before rebates.Free after $100 almost instant rebate, $100 mail in rebate, $40 Email in rebate, and $9 Buy Frank’s Stupid Book Bundle Rebate. See – it’s really FREE!! I know i’ve written about this before but why do I have to get REBATES to save money? What if they said, “Dr. Duck, that will be $249.00 please.” And I said, “Sure, here my $10 this is the before Rebates from ME. I’ll pay ten bucks now and later, you’ll get the rest of your money, thereby completing the transaction. Keep this receipt/IOU because you’ll get your money in 6 to 8 weeks.” Sure, they’d have a cow, but if I have to wait six weeks for MY money, i’m supposed to be GRATEFUL? SCREW YOU!
Oh, and Merry Christmas.



1) (T/F) Moe hides Panda bears and a whale in his back room
2) (T/F) In “Secrets of a Successful Marriage”, Marge kicks Homer out of the house for dancing with an exotic dancer
3) When Abe whisks Marge’s mom away from her wedding, it’s a parody of what film?
4) In “Lady Bouvier’s Lover”, what does Bart buy from the Impulse Buying Network?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.