Report: Queen of Infidels to retain crown . . .

AP (ORLANDO) — In a moment of television drama filled with redemptive tears, a tough-talking Donald Trump turned soft and decided to forgive SarahK, who has recently come under criticism for frequenting bagel shops even though she has celiac disease. “I’ve always been a believer in second chances,” said Trump, who owns the Queen of Infidels Organization with the Al Jazeera television network. Trump met with SarahK earlier Tuesday morning fully expecting to fire her, he said. But he walked away convinced the young woman was a “good person” with a “good, gluten-free heart.” “She left a small town in Texas and she was telling me that she got caught up in the whirlwind of the Space Coast,” Trump said at a news conference. “It’s a story that has happened many times before to many women and many men who came to The City Beautiful.” SarahK won the title in April and since then she has partied hard, admitting she frequents bakeries and cookie kiosks. She admitted she has been nursing a bakers-dozen-a-day habit since being exposed to Mrs. Baird’s Bakery at the age of 3.

A DUer Explains BDS

I frequently check DU out of a morbid curiosity, and it seems like there’s actually getting to be more reason on display there now. In a post about Iran, one said this in reference for apologizers for Ahmadinejad and civil rights abuses in Iran:

To a few on DU, you are either with us or against us. You agree with everything they say or you’re with Bush. You never have anything to say negative about any other country because we have Bush (apparently Bush being president means every single last American has lost not only all moral authority but also the right to point out wrong-doings in other places around the world). If you say that negative thing about that country anyway, you are a freeper infiltrating DU and thus you believe Bush is the best thing ever and you want to bomb their land back to the proverbial stone age.

Maybe because the Democrats finally won an election, sanity will start to spread. One would hope the abuses of Iran would always be something liberals and conservatives could unite against.

The Sue

Donald Trump has decided that the most lucrative real estate on the planet is Rosie O’Donnell’s mouth:

Rosie O’Donnell had some fiery words for Donald Trump on The View Wednesday morning, calling him a “snake-oil salesman” following his announcement that he would not fire troubled Miss USA Tara Conner.
After hearing about her comments, Trump fired back to PEOPLE, calling her “a woman out of control” and saying he planned to sue O’Donnell over her statements questioning his financial well-being.
“You can’t make false statements,” Trump tells PEOPLE exclusively. “Rosie will rue the words she said. I’ll most likely sue her for making those false statements — and it’ll be fun. Rosie’s a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice fat little Rosie.”

No disclosure of how much he’s suing her for?
I guess we have to wait to find out how much Rosie is worth in terms dollars of square foot in her mouth.

Commonly Heard on Political Talk Shows

“This is just more of the same from the traitorous Democrat Party and their–”
“That’s completely out of line! it’s Democratic. Democratic!”

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) A bird house was in the Christmas tree Homer stole for his family
2) What is the name of Bart’s favorite science-fiction/horror film series?
3) When Homer bet on Santa’s Little Helper at the dog races, which dog actually won?
4) In Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire”, who is Barney’s date at the dog races?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Young Turkmens… breathe free… tonight

Blogging will be light today in respect for the demise of the Turkenistan president.

A terse report from state television said Niyazov died early Thursday of heart failure and showed a black-framed portrait of the man who had ordered citizens to refer to him as “Turkmenbashi” — the Father of All Turkmen. An announcer in a dark suit read a list of Niyazov’s accomplishments.

If you recall, the August 29, 2005 episode of the IMAO Podcast mocked this guy for calling SarahK a corrupting influence. (Yes, the jingle during my almost-threat to kill Jesus again was Piper’s collar)
And thus, the term Turkmenbashibashing was born.
Regular blogging will resume tomorrow, because Saparmurat Niyazov would have commanded it that way under pain of extremely painful death (with a side of death and a local coleslaw-like dish that is quite painful to those not used to the intestinal bloating that often results from eating it).