Waiting for Santa Claus

For those of you waiting for Santa Claus to fly over your town, um, I’m sorry but he’s not coming.
He flew low over Southern Lebanon, the French anti-aircraft batteries assigned to UNIFIL mistook him for an IAF warplane, and they shot him down.
If it’s any consolation, Dasher the reindeer survived…

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Carnival of the Cats #144

Welcome to the 144th edition of The Carnival of the Cats.
If you need a reminder what this is all about:

The Carnival of the Cats is a weekly roundup of cat-related posts on weblogs. Its purpose is to provide a non-political respite from the vehement echo chamber that the Blogopshere spins itself into during the week, demonstrating that even the mightiest and meekest of pundits have a love of cats in common.

It just happens to be Christmas Eve, and despite everyone’s attempts to cheer me up, I’m just not feeling it this year.
I got holiday collars for all the cats…

But I didn’t expect to end up with an extra.
Still, let’s move on, and when I bum you out, just keep clicking on the catblogging links to let me mope and groan in the corner for a bit, okay?

Continue reading ‘Carnival of the Cats #144’ »

IMAO Podcast Christmas Story

Remember last year when we didn’t have anything prepared for Christmas, so it was left up to the Token Jew to slap something together for the Christmas Special?
Ha ha ha ha… it kinda happened again.
This time around, I hoodwinked the group into putting together a 100 word story for my Weekly Challenge.
Harvey is the narrator.
Frank and Sarah play the part of the Loving Couple.
Right Wing Duck is their adorable child.
Spacemonkey is Santa.
(And Laurence Simon was the thud.)
This crowning achievement is the result.
Merry Christmas to everyone.

Merry Christmas!

Well, not today… tomorrow. But I figure I’ll be too busy tomorrow to post, so I’d say it today.
Anyhoo, I feel I’ve let you guys down since I didn’t write a Kofi Annan farewell In My World™ last week like I wanted, but Christmas season ended up being too busy. I’ll get him in the new year.
So, everyone have a great Christmas (and expect an IMAO Christmas surprise) and get ready for IMAO ’07 which will be the best IMAO ever (totally guaranteed)!
Be merry, ronin.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Fusion Dude is Radioactive Man’s boy sidekick
2) Which character died by getting hit with T-shirts
3) In “You Only Move Twice”, which bridge does Hank Scorpio destroy?
4) According to the Springfield town charter, who gets food that falls to the ground?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.

Instead of calling him Ahhhh nuhld…

… call him OW! nuhld.