Why did they stop?

James Brown lies in state at the Apollo.
Gerald Ford will lie in state pretty much everywhere for the next few days.
Cindy Sheehan lies… well… in the middle of the road?

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan and four other protesters were arrested today for blocking a road near President Bush’s ranch, authorities said, snagging Vice President Dick Cheney’s motorcade in the backup.
Sheehan and the others lay or sat in the road about 20 minutes and didn’t heed requests to move, Texas Department of Public Safety Lt. R.T. King said.
“They weren’t going unless they were arrested,” King told The Associated Press. He said Cheney’s motorcade was among the vehicles delayed by the demonstration.

I guess she needs to change her name to Cindy Speedbump.

It’s time for a new game…

Let’s just test your current events knowledge, shall we?

Who is the scummier lawyer?
Ramsay Clark
Mike Nifong
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Remember, you can only vote once… just like all the retards who voted Mike Nifong back into office earlier this year!

Heeb on the Hajj, Day 1

Well, folks, my posting’s been a bit light recently because I’ve decided to go as a blogging embedded reporter on the annual Pligrimage To Mecca this year, or as they call it… the hajj. (Not to be mistaked with The Huuuuuuuuuudge)
First up, I’ve gotta tell you, these Saudis are lucky to have such great socialized medicine. And right there at the airport, too. Got run through all sorts of machines. Even though I couldn’t understand what the doctors were saying, they sure checked me out pretty thoroughly. Twice! (The fact that they were dressed in security forces garb just means they’ve got a surplus of medical doctors, so they have to work at the airport… wow! What a country!)
Then there was the hotel… I’m so relieved not to have to open up the drawer and find a Bible there. Damn Gideons.
Instead, there was a microphone and a camera in the headboard. Even better quality stuff than the catcams I run back home.
These people sure know how to run security!
Anyway, here’s a few photos from my trip so far:

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