A Conservative Catblogger in need of assistance…

Mog from Mind of Mog, who helped convince me to keep the Carnival of the Cats going when it was only single-digit participation and didn’t look to be getting any better, has had a rough time of it the past two weeks, having gone to the hospital for a flareup of her MS.

She’s not going to be able to work for a while, she’s out of time off, and she’s in a real bind financially.
She can really use our help.
Her email address is idomoggie (at) mac.com, so that’s where to send PayPal contributions or inquire about where to send checks.

Caption This

I’m thinking:
“Does this noose make me look fat?”
“I’ll give ’em credit for trying, but the Iraqi version of the Village People just seems to be missing that flamboyant spark… possibly because it’s so hard to arm-spell Y-M-C-A in Arabic.”


Saddam Hussein has FINALLY been executed for “crimes against humanity”. But what exactly were those crimes?
I have a list:

  • Being the source of those annoying “XXX hot amateur camel action!” spam e-mails. That stuff is only XX, at best.
  • Deliberately refusing to cooperate with UN resolutions, thus giving the UN unwarranted credibility by acknowledging its existence.
  • Saying what the crazy voices inside his head told him to without giving them proper credit – plagiarism is WRONG, people!
  • Capitalizing the “i” in iPod.
  • Attempting to acquire nuclear weapons without having poofy hair.
  • Forcing all women to wear burkhas instead of just the ugly ones.
  • Running over puppies with his Segway.
  • Killing his political enemies and throwing them in mass graves in CLEAR violation of Iraq’s recycling laws.
  • Jar-Jar was originally Saddam’s idea.
  • As was the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Let me know if I missed any.

101 Uses For A Dead Saddam….

Saddam is dead and I have to say – Wow, the Iraqi justice system moves quickly. It was funny to see some of the Americans caught off guard.

Ramsey Clark: Saddam will not be getting the death penalty.We have filed an appeal and plan to… HEY, GET HIM DOWN FROM THERE!!!

Saddam Hussein is now dead.
What happens next? Civil war? Peace in the Middle East?
Who cares. I want to know one thing: What will they be doing with the body?
In the tender, .loving spirit that is IMAO, I have started a list….

101 Uses For a Dead Saddam.

Maybe you can help me add to it…
1. T-ball stand
2. Put two grooves in his forehead. Make him an ashtray.
3. Chiropractic dummy
4. Bayonet dummy
5. Ottoman
6. Cast him in bronze make a statue for the ACLU
7. Cat condo
8. Burqua manikin
9. Iraqi farm league pitcher’s mound
10. Three man toboggan (four if his neck isn’t too broken)
11. Stand-in for Weekend At Bernie’s III
12. Prayer rug
13. Hang him with his sons and make wind chimes
14. Democrat voter
15. Elephant tampon
16. French Disneyland Figure: You must be at least THIS tall to ride…
17. Fertilizer
18. CPR Dummy
19. Fuzzy Beard Donor
20. Green Zone Speed Bump
If you have suggestions on Uses for A Dead Saddam, please post them in comments.