Big like us

Just like Strong Bad gets emails all the time asking him how he can type with boxing gloves on, I often get the same questions over and over, too.
For example, Hitler Cats and Stuff On My Cat links arrive in my mailbox at least once a day.
Or Cats In Sinks. That’s popular.
It may not be the most common question, but I sure get a lot of notes from people telling me that my name was mentioned at Instapundit, but it wasn’t linked.
shrug That’s nice.
So, have you seen the site with the cats that look like Hitler?
You know, FrankJ told me that it happens to him a lot, too. Glenn will mention FrankJ but not link to him here, and people will point it out to him.
And then I realize… this isn’t an oversight on Glenn’s part. Nor is it a slight of our blogging efforts.
No, this is a case where it’s not necessary to link FrankJ’s name or my name anymore.
You see, we’ve made it. People know us by name alone. There’s no need to distinguish us from other FrankJ’s or Laurence Simons.
Unlike other people out there who still need their names linked by everyone refering to them, like Andrew Sullivan or Glenn Reynolds or Michelle Malkin, people don’t ask “Who is that?” when our names come up in a blog or article.
Okay, so maybe there are a few people in the world who don’t know who FrankJ and Laurence Simon are, but for them, there’s Google.
Look up FrankJ in Google… FrankJ is the #1 FrankJ in the world!
Look up Laurence in Google… Laurence Simon is the #1 Laurence in the world!
Now look up Glenn… Andrew… are they the #1 Glenns and Andrews in the world? (Oh, just shut up about Michelle Malkin!)
As I said, people know who we are by name alone. And even the lefties who run Google, who would love nothing more than left-wing FrankJs and left-wing Laurences to drive us into searchengine obscurity, know that.
B List?
A List?
No, we’re The List.
Think about it for a second. When you say Madonna or Sting or Paul McCartney or George Bush, do you link their name to their blog?
Of course not. Because they’re big. Bigger than the bloggers who need their names linked.
Big like us, Frank. We’re bigtime now.


  1. Laurence: a hearty congratulation to you, and to the entire gang. In fact, I remember Glenn was just saying you guys were on his list. I mean, he didn’t say which list, exactly, but a list is a list! And Christmas is a great time to be on a list.

  2. By the way, I hope y’all don’t mind, but I just posted about IMAO over at my site, and I did link to you in the post. I hope linking to you like that doesn’t make you think I think you aren’t bigtime (crikey! Just try parsing that sentence, huh?).
    Just doing my part. It’s at STAND, and if you need any changes made, just let me know.

  3. Laurence: well, I had ten minutes left in my lunch hour (yes, I’m dining al desko here at the office). Besides:
    (1) It’s better than working through lunch, and it’s on the company computer, so it’s not exactly MY time and MY keystrokes;
    (2) I don’t get as many comments over at my blog, so commenting here gives me a false sense of people reading what I write, and that’s comforting;
    (3) Any blog that mentions nuking the moon, a handgun named Mr. Shiny, and scary evil monkeys sounds like something I want to be part of;
    (4) An opportunity to pimp my own blog by commenting here is way too good an opportunity to pass up, and a lot cheaper than buying ad space;
    (5) It’s Christmas, and putting in a plug for you guys is just one more little random act of kindness that makes the season what it is;
    (6) If there are enough comments put in, this will be long enough that I don’t have to look at Hillary Clinton’s and John Kerry’s dumb monkey faces on my screen (well, okay, Kerry’s is technically a horseface);
    And besides that – uh-oh, lunch is over and my boss is walking this way…

  4. I just want to mention that I also made that list. Which list? The one that Frank J. and Laurence Simon are on, where they’re so well known that Instapundit can refer to them and not link them. Instapundit didn’t just refer to me, he quoted me, and knew that people could find my blog without a link. So, you see, the list is hard to get on, but Me, Frank J, and Laurence Simon are all on the list…

  5. Listing “Madonna, Sting, Paul McCartney, FrankJ and Laurence Simons” reminds me of those Star Trek (TOS) episodes where they’ll list a bunch of real dictators from history and then throw in a few fake ones from our future.
    Which one of you guys is “Khan”?
    I told my wife The Bodie Specter is 8 inches big.

  6. Wow. I’m feeling pretty good about myself right about now, Laurence. I post a link to you guys’ site over at my humble blog, and suddenly IMAO blows their bandwidth limit for hours on end. Coincidence? I think not. I am SOOOOOO sending you traffic. Y’all owe me, bigtime.
    Of course, it could also mean I’m hemorrhaging readers to you guys. Ummmm, hey, when you’re done entertaining my readers, would you mind sending them back?

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